"Stock Market Reaction on Budget 20 I 0"


  • Richa Joshi lecturer, Ttrinity institute of Profesuinnal Studies,, Delhi (Affiliated to GGS lndraprastha Uni venity)
  • Supriya Maheshwari lecturer, Ttrinity institute of Profesuinnal Studies,, Delhi (Affiliated to GGS lndraprastha Uni venity)


Finance Minister, Union Budget, Stock Markets, personal tax


Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee  on Friday 26 February, 2010 came  out with a Union Budget 2010 thacould be described as a fine balancing  act. The Union Budget 2010 manageto spring up quite a f ew surprisesWith the Indian Stock Marketanxiously waiting for the budget, it  was a stock market friendly budget to  say the least. While a lower fiscal  deficit in the financial year aheadresulting in a lower government  borrowing, soothed the stock markets'  nerves, an overhauled personal tax  structure provided relief to individual  taxpayers. Not surprisingly, stock  markets gave a rousing welcome tthe Budget and rose immediately as  the FM presented his speech.  



How to Cite

"Stock Market Reaction on Budget 20 I 0" . (2010). Trinity Journal of Management, IT & Media (TJMITM), 1(1), 22-28. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/tjmitm/article/view/1377