Block Chain Technology


  • Deepanshu Arora Trinity Institute of Professional Studies, Dwarka, New Delhi, India
  • Neha Aggarwal Trinity Institute of Professional Studies, Dwarka, New Delhi, India



Blockchain Technology, Blockchain, bitcoin, crypto currency, Ethereum, bitcoin mining, Coinbase, bitcoin trading


Blockchain technology is revolutionary.  Blockchain Technology will bring revolution within the areas of accounting, e-Government, Finance, BPM, insurance, amusement, trading platforms, healthcare, Internet-of-Things, further as law corporations. Blockchain Technology includes a vast potential in introducing innovative solutions, reckoning on the realm or the world of its implementation, since economic potency and social advantages may be achieved through technical innovation and applications.


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J. Al-Jaroodi and N. Mohamed, ‘‘Blockchain in industries: A survey,’’ IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 36500–36515, 2019.



How to Cite

Block Chain Technology. (2022). Trinity Journal of Management, IT & Media (TJMITM), 13(Special Issue), 205-208.