Ai Produced Inventions And Ipr Policy During Covid-19


  • Nikita Arora BA.LLB, VIIth Semester Student, Trinity Institute of Professional Studies, Dwarka affiliated to GGSIPU


Ipr Policy, Covid-19, Ai Produced Inventions, WHO


The disease has spread to approximately 214 nations and areas, according to the World Health  Organisations (WHO) official website of Coronavirus. While diseases spread ruthlessly over  the world, science and technology are fighting back in equal measure. The pandemic puts  nations medical capabilities and political will to the test. It also poses several philosophical  issues. It is a test of humanity as a whole. Artificial Intelligence (AI) aims to mimic human  cognition. It will result in considerable changes in health care, owing to the increasing  accessibility of healthcare data and the quick advancement of analytical procedures. During  the present COVID-19 pandemic, AI is being utilized to aid and advice doctors in making a  diagnosis, assist radiologists in refining image explanation, and help enhance drug  development research. There is still a lot of uncertainty in the realm of AI-generated  intellectual property (IP) protection. The goal of this research is to determine the impact of  international and national laws and treaties on IP rights for AI-generated pandemic solutions. 



How to Cite

Arora, . N. . (2021). Ai Produced Inventions And Ipr Policy During Covid-19 . Trinity Law Review, 1(2), 35-43.