ACS Journals is one of the world’s largest publishers of peer-reviewed, paid and Open Access Journals.

Built on an ethos of openness, we are passionate about working with the global academic community to promote open scholarly research to the world.

With the help of our academic Editors, based in institutions around the globe, we are able to focus on serving our authors while preserving robust publishing standards and editorial integrity. 



    The Institute of Innovation In Technology and Management brings out "IITM Journal of Business Studies (JBS) an internationally indexed annual journal of business management". All the academic fraternity are requested to submit research papers; book reviews, summarized, completed or ongoing empirical work, theoretical inquiries, review papers, case studies and shorter research notes

  • The Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction

    The Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction, an official organ of the Indian Society for Study of Animal Reproduction (ISSAR) publishes basic/applied research articles, short communications and clinical articles/case reports in Veterinary gynaecology, obstetrics, andrology, semenology, artificial insemination, embryo transfer and other assisted reproductive technologies. It is published bi-annually i.e. June and December.

    Indexing details: Scopus Indexed JournalNAAS Rating - 4.13,   CABI, ICI, ASI, Cross ref, Google Scholar, Base,  UGC-CARE List Group II

  • Journal of Meat Science

    Welcome to the Journal of Meat Science, a biannual publication proudly presented by ACS Publisher on behalf of the esteemed Indian Meat Science Association (IMSA). Based in Hyderabad, our journal is dedicated to advancing original Research and Development in all branches of Meat Science and Technology, providing a platform for sharing cutting-edge insights through research papers and exclusive review articles (by invitation only). In collaboration with IMSA and ACS Publisher, we strive to foster knowledge sharing and exploration in the field. Join us in shaping the future of Meat Science and be a part of this exciting journey.

    Indexing Details: Scopus, NAAS,  Base, Google Scholar, Crossref, Wos, ICI, ASI.

  • Applied Biological Research

    Applied Biological Research (Appl. Biol. Res.) offers a means of prompt publication of original quality research papers, short communications and short notes dealing all the aspects of applied biological sciences viz., agriculture, veterinary, medical sciences, ecology and environment, biotechnology and other applied biological fields. Appl. Biol. Res. welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meets the general criteria of significance and academic & research excellence. Conceptual high quality review articles of paramount significance in all the applied biological sciences are also considered. However, authors are advised to seek prior consent from the Chief Editor for submission of a review article. All the manuscripts published in Appl. Biol. Res. are peer reviewed.

    Indexing details: Web of Science/Thomson Reuters (Emerging Sources Citation Index), J-gate, NAAS rating 4.93, CABI abstracting journals , Agricola, ProQuest, Google Scholar, Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Abstracts, Indian Science Abstracts, EBSCO Discovery, ResearchGate, Crossref, and Open Academic Journals Index (CGIJ-OAJI = 0.250).


  • Indian Journal of Extension Education

    Indian Society of Extension Education, Division of Agricultural Extension, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi is a registered professional society under registration number S2504 since 1964. Indian Journal of Extension Education is the Official publication of Indian Society of Extension Education (ISEE). It publishes original research papers in the field of extension education and allied fields since its inception from 1964.

    Indexing Details:  Scopus Indexed Journal, UGC APPROVED 2023, NAAS - 5.95, Base, Google Scholar, Crossref, Scilit, AGRIS, ICI, ASI, Ebsco,

  • Library Progress (International)

    Library Progress (International) is devoted to the international advancement of organized knowledge on all aspects of Library and Information Science. It presents peer-reviewed survey and original research articles on specific areas are: new information technology, education and training, human resource management, the changing role of the library, future developments, opportunities, bibliographic databases, cataloging issues, electronic publishing, acquisitions, collection development, administration, management, archives, preservation, and special collections, automation and cataloging. It provides a forum for comments by publishing original research contributions, scientific survey, case studies, book review and letter to the Editor-in-Chief. Library Progress (International) is issued six monthly, i.e. June and December of every year. The Editor-in-Chief/Managing Editor/Editorial Board etc. assumes no responsibility for the statements and opinions advanced by the contributors. Only contributor(s) is/ are responsible for his/her statements in his/her paper. The editorial staff in its work of examining papers, received for possible publication is assisted, in an honorary capacity, by a large number of distinguished scientists working in various parts of the world. Library Progress (International) is copy-righted. Manuscripts published in the journal should not be reproduced without the written permission of the Editor-in-Chief.

    Indexing Details -  Scopus Indexed, UGC approved, Google Scholar, Base Indexing, Ebsco, Wos-Applied, Cross ref, ICI, ASI


  • Journal of Eco-friendly Agriculture

    Doctor's Krishi Evam Bagwani Vikas Sanstha  ( (Doctor's Agriculture and Horticultural Development Society) i()s a Government Registered Organization with the objective of bringing new Agricultural and Horticultural Technology by 'Eco-friendly' approaches. It has been observed that use of pesticides has been the main mode of control of pests and they are still in use on large scale as preventive and curative measures. The excessive and indiscriminate use of chemical pesticides and chemical fertilizers has resulted in serious environmental pollution, destruction of natural enemies, and development of resistance to these chemicals and residue hazards etc. Therefore, the needs to phase out the use of these chemicals are now taking momentum. 

    Indexed/Abstracted with -  Google Scholar, UGC Approved Journal, Base Indexing, Wos-Applied, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences(NAAS) rating 2024 - 5.36, Indian Citation Index, DRJI, Indian Science Abstract, ISO Certified, CABI Indexed

  • Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Zoology

    Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences Section-A-Zoology is devoted to the international advancement of organized knowledge on all aspects of Zoology. It publishes original research papers, reviews and short communications within the whole field of zoology. Scope of the journal includes: Animal behaviour, biochemistry and physiology, developmental biology, ecology, genetics, morphology and ultrastructure, parasitology and pathology, and systematics and evolution. It provides a forum for comments by publishing original research contributions, scientific survey, case studies, book review and letter to the Editor-in-Chief. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences Section-A-Zoology is issued six monthly, i.e. June and December of every year.

  • Journal of Postharvest Technology

    The Journal of Postharvest Technology provides a forum for the rapid dissemination of significantly novel and high impact research in the field of postharvest technology. The scope of Journal of Postharvest Technology is assessed and modified on regular basis to cope with the developments in this area. The journal welcomes the submissions prepared critically and containing novel, original and relevant research on scientific, biological and technological aspects related to postharvest life of foods. This involves manuscripts dealing with postharvest processing, preservation, packaging, handling and storage of all types foods. All manuscripts should be novel either in terms of outcome, approach or methods used. Manuscripts having technical relevance and playing a role in advancing current scientific knowledge will be preferred. The journal also encourages the submissions with practical applications for food industries. The journal publishes original research articles, review articles, short communications, perspectives, letters to the editors and book reviews.

  • Advancements in Homeopathic Research

    Homeopathy is a form of medicine based on treating like with like. Its popularity with the public and credibility with health professionals has increased rapidly as a result of clinical trials demonstrating its efficacy. To improve homeopathic practice the results of these clinical trials should be disseminated. 

    Advancements in Homeopathic Research – a Print Quarterly Homeopathic Research Journal brings to light the results of latest research work, clinical studies and studies done at personal levels to the people as well as Homeopathic physicians around the world.

    Advancements in Homeopathic Research aims to promote and publish research work in homeopathy and make it available to the masses at large.

    Starting Year : 2016, Subject - Medical

    Indexing Details:  UGC Approved JournalBase, Google Scholar, Crossref, Index Copernicus International (ICI) 54.71, Cite Factor, Wos, ICI, ASI

  • Indian Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Biotechnology

    The Indian Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Biotechnology (IJVSBT)is published by the Society for Veterinary Sciences and Biotechnology (SVSBT) Indore (M.P.)

    The Indian Journal of Veterinary Sciencesand Biotechnology (IJVSBT) is an Open Access online and print journal that publishes Original Articles, Review Articles, Short Communications and Case Reports in all areas of Veterinary Science and its related subjects.  The Indian Journal of Veterinary Sciencesand Biotechnology(IJVSBT) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that aims to publish high quality papers rapidly and makes them freely available to researchers worldwide. 

    Indexed/Tracked/Covered By:  NAAS - 5.58 , Base Indexing, CAS (Chemical Abstract Society (Americal Chemical Society)), CABI*, ISA*, EBSCO*, Journal Indexed in Directory of Research Journals Indexing  (DRJI)  ,Open Archives, Cross Ref., Google scholar, PKP Index, Cite Factor, Indian Citation Index, Jgate,ROAD, WorldCat, ICI, ASI, Scopus-Applied For.

  • South Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities

    South Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities offers an online open-access platform for researcher, scholars and academicians. SAJSSH publishes articles on a broad spectrum of Social sciences and Humanities. We publish research articles of great quality only after the approval from our reviewers. We have dedicated, sincere and highly experienced editorial team members from different countries and background to assist in developing quality of research papers.

    Indexing Details: Ebsco, Base, Google Scholar, Crossref, International Scientific Indexing, CiteFactor, Advance Science IndexResearch BIB, Index Medicine, Semantic Scholar, UlrichWeb, WorldCat, Open Access, Publon, Jgate and many more

  • Gyan Management Journal

    “Gyan Management” is an International Bi-annual refereed Journal published by Gian Jyoti Institute of Management and Technology, It is dedicated to enhancing teaching and learning in the field of Management & Commerce, Information Technology and Travel & Tourism. The focus of the journal is on collating applied research and reflections relevant to various discipline practices and disseminate knowledge. 

    Indexing Details: Google Scholar, Base, Crossref, SCILIT, Scopus-Applied For, ICI, ASI.

  • Homoeopathy for All

    Homeopathy for All is a leading homoeopathic monthly Peer Reviewed CME Journal was launched in the year 1999 and over the years has been acclaimed for providing interesting and useful information on homoeopathy. Homeopathy for All was launched with an aim to promote homoeopathy and facilitate information about homoeopathy amongst everyone.

    Articles published in the CME Journal are written by talented professionals from around the globe with an emphasis on the quality and the content of the articles. 

    Homeopathy for All strives to work towards its aim of promoting health and homoeopathy for a healthy and a disease free world.

    The publication is for the use of a Registered Medical Practitoner or a Hospital or a Laboratory only

  • International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga

    International Research Journal of Ayurveda & Yoga (IRJAY) is a monthly (12 issues per year ) online peer reviewed international Journal. It is an open access online journal. This journal provide platform for PG scholars teachers and researchers to publish their good & quality work in the field of Ayurveda, Yoga and Integrative medicine. IRJAY is developed for the researchers, scholars, scientists, post-docs and students who are seeking a platform for publishing their research work. This is the journal advised and developed by eminent and internationally renowned Ayurvedic professors, scientists and scholars. The journal aimed to publish high quality review articles, authentic research work,clinical trials and new innovative ideas.

    IRJAY confirms its adherence with guidelines and best practices published by professional organizations, including Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals ( from ICMJE and Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing (joint statement by COPE, DOAJ, WAME, and OASPA; (

  • Journal of Nuclear Technology in Applied Science

    The Egyptian Society of Radiation Science and Applications (ESRSA) is a nonprofit and nongovernmental organization was officially established in 2008. It aims to enlighten the society about the peaceful uses of radiation through publishing scientific research, and organizing scientific symposia and international conferences. This is achieved by cooperating with national and international scientific organizations, institutions and elite scientists.

  • PUSA Journal of Hospitality and Applied Sciences

    The journal focuses on the original research that contributes toward development in Tourism and Hospitality sector. It brings forth the discussions related to the development and recent trends in various fields applicable to Tourism and Hospitality Industry. This Journal covers research work applicable to Tourism Management, Hotel Management, Food Safety & Hygiene Standards, Nutrition & Health, Human Resource Management, Environment and Tourism, Travel and Tourism, Cuisines, Innovation, and New Product Development. Through this wide spectrum of various subjects, we would like to promote research aptitude amongst the academicians and hospitality personnel.
    The Journal is the copyright of Institute of Hotel Management Catering and Nutrition, PUSA, New Delhi. All rights reserved. No portion of the contents may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher. Only references allowed with proper citation.

    Indexing Details:  Base Indexing, Google Scholar, Crossref, Scopus-Applied For, Wos, Base, ICI, ASI, CABI Indexed, NAAS Indexed

  • International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Management

    International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering & Management (IJIREM) is a Referred, Online, Open Access, Peer Reviewed, DOI indexed and High Impact journal. It is publishing six issues per year since 2014. IJIREM is continuously publishing original and best quality research articles. We also publish International and National Conference papers.IJIREM is an Indian Citation Index Journal since October 2021

  • Cosmos: An International Journal of Art and Higher Education

    Cosmos an International Journal of Art and Higher Education bearing ISSN 2319-8966, DOI: 10.46360, open access is under Globus Publication (under the agies of Globus Education & Research Trust). Cosmos an International Journal of Art and Higher Education is refereed, double blind peer reviewed journal, CC BY-NC and having good impact factor. This journal is running at 2012 covering areas of Arts and Higher Education in the welfare of society.

  • International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science & Technology

    International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science & Technology (IJIRCST) is a Referred, Online, Open Access, Peer Reviewed and DOI indexed journal. It is publishing six issues per year since 2013. IJIRCST is continuously publishing original and best quality research articles. We also publish International and National Conference papers.IJIRCST is an Indian Citation Index Journal

  • Research Journal of Bhartiya Sciences

    Research Journal of Bhartiya Sciences is based on “Bhartiya Knowledge System” and dedicated to the dissemination of research findings and advancements across ancient Indian Sciences. This research journal integrates ancient sciences with contemporary modern research. Our Research Journal aims to be a premier platform for the dissemination of high-quality, original research in all areas of science relevant to the Indian subcontinent and its intellectual heritage. The Research Journal of Bhartiya Sciences serves as a guiding light in the academic investigation of ancient science, blending age-old wisdom with modern scientific approaches. Serving as a forum, it represents the amalgamation of ancient knowledge and current research methodologies, providing a distinct viewpoint that connects history with the present. It aims for:

    • Embracing Vedic Science
    • Integration of Ancient Wisdom and Modern Research
    • Exploring Diverse Topics spanning across physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, engineering, environmental science, medical sciences, agricultural sciences, material science, and space science
    • Establishing a Benchmark in Vedic Studies


    Botany, Chemistry, Mathematics, Microbiology, Physics, Statistics, Zoology, Animation Science, Biotechnology, Computer Science, Food Processing and Packaging, Forensic Science, Nanoscience and Technology, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Applications and Fine Arts.

    The journal is dedicated to publishing:

    -Original research articles: Presenting new discoveries that contribute to scientific knowledge.

    -Review articles: Critically synthesizing existing research on specific topics. Short communications: Briefly introducing important new findings or advancements in methodology.

    -Perspectives and commentaries: Providing scholarly perspectives on current scientific issues relevant to India.

  • Indian Journal of Arid Horticulture

    Indian Journal of Arid Horticulture: ACS presents the Indian Journal of Arid Horticulture, a premier platform fostering research on sustainable horticulture in arid regions. Emphasizing water-efficient practices, innovative technologies, and climate-resilient crops, this journal invites cutting-edge contributions. Rigorous peer review ensures quality, while open access promotes global dissemination. Join us in shaping the future of arid horticulture!

  • International Journal of Rehabilitation and Special Education (IJRSE)

    About the Journal
    The International Journal of Rehabilitation and Special Education (IJRSE) is a premier peer-reviewed, open-access journal dedicated to the advancement of knowledge and practice in the fields of special education and rehabilitation. As a multidisciplinary publication, IJRSE provides an essential platform for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to share their work and contribute to the ongoing development of these critical areas.

    Our mission is to bridge the gap between research and practice by publishing high-quality, impactful research that addresses the challenges and opportunities in special education and rehabilitation. We strive to foster innovation, promote inclusive practices, and support the well-being and educational success of individuals with disabilities and special needs.

    IJRSE serves a diverse audience of academics, educators, therapists, psychologists, social workers, nurses, and other professionals committed to improving the lives of individuals with disabilities. The journal also reaches policymakers and organizations involved in shaping and implementing policies related to special education and rehabilitation.

    Publication Highlights
    Rigorous Peer Review: Each submission undergoes a thorough peer-review process to ensure the highest standards of quality and relevance.
    Interdisciplinary Focus: We welcome contributions from a wide range of disciplines, reflecting the interconnected nature of special education and rehabilitation.
    Global Reach: IJRSE has a broad international readership, ensuring that your work reaches a global audience and contributes to worldwide advancements in the field.

    Submission Types

    We encourage the submission of various types of scholarly work, including:

    Original research articles
    Review articles
    Case studies
    Conceptual papers
    Empirical research
    Academic dialogues and exchanges

    Why Publish with Us?
    Impact: Your research will contribute to the growing body of knowledge in special education and rehabilitation, influencing both practice and policy.
    Visibility: As an open-access journal, IJRSE ensures that your work is accessible to a wide audience, increasing its potential for citation and use in practice.
    Support: Our editorial team is dedicated to supporting authors throughout the submission and publication process, offering guidance and ensuring a smooth experience.
    IJRSE is more than just a journal; it is a vibrant community of professionals committed to making a difference in the lives of individuals with disabilities and special needs. We invite you to join us by submitting your work and contributing to the ongoing dialogue in this important field.


  • Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Geology

    Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences Section-F-Geology is devoted to the international advancement of organized knowledge on all aspects of Geology. It is dealing with different aspects of Earth Sciences including Geology, Paleontology, Geophysics and Geochemistry. The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of geology. It brings articles in all areas related to Chemical Geology, Deposition Geology, Exploration Geophysics, Forensic Geology, Geologic Time Scale, Geological Engineering, Geological Rocks, Geology, Hotspot Geology, Hydrogeology, Mastering Geology, Nonconformity Geology, Physical Geology, Structural Geology etc. It provides a forum for comments by publishing original research contributions, scientific survey, case studies, book review and letter to the Editor-in-Chief

  • Current Horticulture

    A scientific commitment towards crop improvement and production through scientific application of basic and strategic research such as hybridization, marker-assisted selection, double haploidy, RNAi, exploitation of male sterility etc. can revolutionize crop productivity. However, parallel improvement in input-use efficiency, especially water-and nutrient-use efficiency, a better understanding on the role of micronutrient in enhancing quality of nutrition coupled with scientific understanding of ecological parameters leading to pest and diseases management will enhance production and productivity. None of the above is possible unless we assure disease-free seed and quality planting material and technology at farmers’ doorstep. Fortunately, India is blessed with one of the largest human resources for basic, strategic and applied research. But this knowledge has to be captured, documented, streamlined and managed. I am confident that publication of the Current Horticulture would fulfil the current gap in scientific knowledge of basic and strategic research.

    Indexed/Abstracted with - Google Scholar, CNKI Scholar, EBSCO Discovery, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences(NAAS) rating 2021 - 4.62, Scopus -Applied For, Ebsco, Wos - Applied For, Base, Cross ref, ICI, ASI

  • Don Bosco Institute of Technology Delhi Journal of Research

    Don Bosco Logo

    Don Bosco Institute of Technology Delhi Journal of Research

    Don Bosco Institute of Technology Delhi Journal of Research is a multidisciplinary journal that welcomes research articles from various fields including Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, Science and Technology, Management, Health Sciences, and Arts and Culture. The journal aims to foster intellectual growth and facilitate cross-disciplinary collaboration by providing a platform for researchers to share innovative work and findings.

    About Don Bosco Institute of Technology 
    The Don Bosco Society, also known as the Salesians of Don Bosco, was founded in 1859 by St. John Bosco, who sought to educate and help homeless and orphaned child laborers in Turin, Italy. Today, the society has over 32,000 members working in 134 countries, offering educational and social services through schools, colleges, technical institutes, and youth centers. In India Don Bosco Institute of Technology (DBIT) (Unit of Don Bosco Group of Educators), Okhla Road is situated on the bank of Sukhdev Vihar Metro Station, South Delhi, 110025. The college offers opportunities to grow professionally and personally. It is affiliated with GGSIP University, Dwarka, New Delhi, and is one of the best institutes for BCA, BBA & B. Com (Hons.) programs in Delhi NCR.

  • Indian Journal of Animal Production and Management

    The journal is the official research journal of the Indian Society of Animal Production and Management. It was started in the year 1986 to publish original research work in the area of livestock production management. The first issue was published in the year 1986 by the Department of Livestock Production and Management, Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana. Current frequency of the journal is Quarterly (4 issues per year). The Journal office is presently functioning from the Department of Livestock Production Management, Veterinary College, Bengaluru, Karnataka.\

    Indexing details: Scopus Indexed, Google Scholar, Base Indexing, Ebsco, Wos-Applied, Cross ref, ICI, ASI

  • Trinity Law Review

    The Trinity Law Review, published under the auspices of the Law Department of Trinity Institute of Professional Studies (TIPS), Dwarka, is an esteemed academic periodical designed to elevate the level of legal research in India. This journal covers a wide array of legal topics, offering in-depth insights and perspectives on contemporary legal issues.

    With contributions from academicians, legal practitioners, and researchers, the journal serves as a platform for scholarly dialogue and the dissemination of innovative ideas in the field of law. Its mission is to foster critical legal thinking, advance legal scholarship, and become a key resource for the ongoing development of legal research and education in India.

    Indexing Details: Google Scholar, Base Indexing, Ebsco, Wos-Applied, Cross ref, ICI, ASI

  • Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Chemistry

    Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences Section-C-Chemistry is devoted to the international advancement of organized knowledge on all aspects of Chemistry. It is a peer reviewed international scientific journal committed to publish original research from pure chemistry to applied chemistry and their broad range of applications. Scope of the journal includes: Analytical, inorganic, organic, industrial and physical theoretical chemistry and newer interdisciplinary areas such as materials science, spectroscopy, chemical physics, and biological, medicinal and environmental chemistry. It provides a forum for comments by publishing original research contributions, scientific survey, case studies, book review and letter to the Editor-in-Chief

  • Journal of Food and Dietetics Research

    The Journal of Food and Dietetics Research (JFDR) is a peer-reviewed journal committed to publishing high-quality articles in the field of Food Science, Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics. The journal is owned by the International Association of Food and Nutrition Scientists (IAFANS) and published by the ACS Publisher
    Food: Food Science, Food processing and technology, Food Engineering, Food Packaging, Food biotechnology, Food Microbiology, Food Preservation, Food security, Food Product Development, Food Chemistry, Food Safety & Hygiene, Food Nanotechnology and Food additives
    Dietetics: Diet therapy, Dietary Bioactive Components, Nutrition therapy, public health nutrition, Public health epidemiology, Dietary assessment, Dietary interventions, Dietetic practice, Nutritional biochemistry, “Omic” Nutrition, Metabolomics, Nutrigenomics, Community Nutrition, Diet in Communicable & Non-Communicable Diseases, Dietetics education, Sports Nutrition, Dietary supplementation and Nutritional policies.

    Abstracting and indexing:
    Google Scholar, CrossRef, ReadCube, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), Wang Fung, UGC-CARE list (Applied), Wos, Base, ICI, 

  • Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Botany

    Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences Section-B-Botany is devoted to the international advancement of organized knowledge on all aspects of Botany. It is a well indexed scientific journal dedicated to publish high quality original research in the field of plant sciences. Scope of the journal includes: Cell and molecular biology, ecology, conservation biology and biodiversity, mycology and plant pathology, phycology, physiology and biochemistry, structure and development, systematics, phytogeography and paleobotany. ecology (ecosystematics, ecophysiology), taxonomy (chemotaxonomy), plant morpho anatomy palynology, paleopalynology plant diversity & evolution. It provides a forum for comments by publishing original research contributions, scientific survey, case studies, book review and letter to the Editor-in-Chief.

  • Trinity Journal of Management, IT & Media (TJMITM)

    The TJMITM Journal is a dedicated platform for young academicians and researchers to showcase their work, including research papers, literature reviews, case studies, and book reviews. The journal primarily focuses on three core areas: Management, IT & Computer Science, and Media.

    The journal aims to inspire and motivate scholars by presenting a mix of articles and research papers that open new avenues of exploration in these dynamic fields. Each issue reflects the latest advancements, offering fresh perspectives and innovative research. With contributions from global authors, the journal plays a significant role in fostering academic dialogue and driving the growth of knowledge in these disciplines.

    Indexed/Abstracted with –Google Scholar, Cite Factor, Dimension, Mendley and Crossref, Academic Resource Index(ResearchBib), WorldCat, UlrichsWeb (Global Serials Directory), ICI, ASI, Base, Scopus-Applied For.

  • Animal Reproduction Update

    Animal Reproduction Update is an international peer-reviewed open-access online journal that publishes various types of high-quality articles includes original research, review, mini-review, short communication, editorial, commentary, opinion paper, perspective and many more related to animal reproduction such as embryology, andrology, reproductive endocrinology, reproductive genetics, reproductive immunology, infertility, and advanced assisted reproduction. The journal is having a primary interest to provide state-of-the-art coverage on basic, translational, and cutting-edge technologies applied for the advancement in animal reproduction. The published articles shall be useful for teaching, researchers and policymakers as they provide interesting, clearly written updates on important new developments in the subject.
    Indexing Details: Ebsco, Google Scholar, Base, Crossref, ICI, ASI

  • Journal of Plant Disease Sciences

    The Journal of Plant Disease Sciences is the official publication of the Association of Plant Pathologists, housed within the Department of Plant Pathology, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola (M.S.). The journal serves as a dedicated platform for publishing research in Mycology and Plant Pathology, adhering to the constitution and bylaws of the society.

    It features peer-reviewed research articles, reviews, and short communications covering various aspects of plant disease management, host-pathogen interactions, epidemiology, disease diagnostics, and sustainable agricultural practices. The journal primarily publishes work by association members but is open to contributions from the broader scientific community.

    Committed to maintaining high academic and ethical standards, the Journal of Plant Disease Sciences aims to advance scientific knowledge in plant pathology while supporting agricultural sustainability and crop protection.

    Indexing details:
    NAAS Score - 4.20, World Cat, WorldCat Discovery, Publons, Scilit, Google Scholar, Base Indexing, Ebsco, Wos-Applied, Cross ref, ICI, ASI

  • Academia Journal of Medicine

    Academia Journal of Medicine (AJM) is an open-access; freely accessible, online and print Bi-Annual peer-reviewed international journal publishes a wide spectrum of advanced research in different fields of clinical medicine, covering etiology, diagnosis, therapy and prognosis aspects.
    Online ISSN: 2663-8290 | Print ISSN: 2663-8282

  • Journal of Mathematical Modeling and Fractional Calculus

    The Journal of Mathematical Modeling and Fractional Calculus is dedicated to providing a platform for researchers to publish high-quality research articles that apply mathematical modeling principles to solve real-world problems across various scientific disciplines. The journal focuses on new mathematical challenges and their applications in applied science, contributing to the advancement of scientific knowledge within the community.

  • International Journal of Agricultural Extension and Education

    International Journal of Agricultural Extension and Education (IJAE) is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to advancing the science, practice, and education of agricultural extension systems globally. The journal serves as a platform for the dissemination of innovative research, case studies, and reviews that explore the intersection of agricultural development, extension education, and rural transformation.


    IJAE aims to foster the exchange of knowledge among researchers, educators, and extension professionals to promote sustainable agricultural practices and empower rural communities. The journal covers a wide range of topics, including:


    Agricultural extension methodologies and best practices

    Extension systems management and evaluation

    Rural development and community engagement through extension

    Farmer training, education programs, and capacity building

    Use of technology and digital tools in agricultural extension

    Policy analysis and frameworks for improving extension services

    Knowledge transfer and communication strategies for sustainable agriculture

    IJAE invites contributions from scholars, practitioners, and policymakers that offer novel insights and practical approaches to improving agricultural education and extension services. The journal strives to highlight the role of extension education in addressing global challenges like food security, climate change, and rural poverty.


    By publishing high-quality, original research, IJAE seeks to be a valuable resource for those working to enhance the effectiveness of agricultural extension systems and contribute to the development of sustainable agricultural practices worldwide.


  • Indian Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology

    Indian Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology (IIJFMT) is a peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to the publication of high-quality research in the fields of forensic medicine and toxicology. The journal serves as a key resource for professionals, researchers, and academics, offering insights into the latest developments and challenges within these disciplines. IIJFMT covers a broad spectrum of topics, including forensic pathology, toxicology, clinical forensic medicine, and the application of forensic science in legal contexts. Through its commitment to advancing knowledge and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, IIJFMT plays a vital role in supporting the ongoing development and application of forensic science.

  • Global Journal of Sciences

    Global Journal of Sciences is a peer-reviewed journal committed to advancing high-quality research across all scientific disciplines, including mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, economics, computer science, and environmental science. Its mission is to address pressing global challenges through rigorous research that fosters interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration.

    The journal publishes peer-reviewed research articles and reviews that investigate scientific insights and their societal and environmental implications. By encouraging diverse contributions, it seeks to integrate various scientific perspectives, enhancing understanding of complex issues such as energy systems, environmental modeling, and public health challenges.

    Through its inclusive approach, the Global Journal of Sciences promotes the exchange of ideas and solutions, making scientific knowledge accessible to a broad audience and supporting informed decision-making for a better future.

  • Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences – Physics

    Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences Section-D-Physics is devoted to the international advancement of organized knowledge on all aspects of Physics. It is an international peer-reviewed journal committed to publish and disseminate original research in the field of physics (pure and applied) through a fair and rigorous review process. Scope of the journal includes: Atomic and molecular physics, condensed matter, elementary particles and nuclear physics, gases, fluid dynamics and plasmas, electromagnetism and optics, mathematical physics, and interdisciplinary, classical and applied physics


    LIS TODAY is a prestigious Peer-reviewed and Refereed  Bi-annual journal published by BSLA (Muzaffarpur) in collaboration with AKB Publication and ACS Publisher. It is dedicated to publishing high-quality research papers in the field of Library and Information Science (LIS). With ISSN 2349-9621, the journal serves as a platform for scholars, researchers, and professionals to share innovative ideas, explore emerging trends, and contribute to the development of LIS as a field of study.
    Our mission is to advance the academic and practical knowledge in LIS by providing a space for rigorous research and scholarly discussions. Each issue features insightful articles that address the challenges and opportunities within the evolving landscape of library and information management, information retrieval, knowledge organization, and digital librarianship.
    LIS Today is committed to maintaining the highest standards of academic integrity and is a vital resource for anyone involved in the LIS discipline.

  • Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Mathematics and Statistics

    Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences Section-E-Math. & Stat. is devoted to the international advancement of organized knowledge on all aspects of Mathematics and Statistics. It is serving as a forum to publish refereed, well-written original research articles and studies that describe the latest research and developments in the area of mathematics and statistics. Scope of the journal includes: Finance, economics, mathematics, statistics and probability, theoretical developments and techniques. It provides a forum for comments by publishing original research contributions, scientific survey, case studies, book review and letter to the Editor-in-Chief

  • Bio Science Research Bulletin

    Bio-Science Research Bulletin is devoted to the international advancement of organized knowledge on all aspects of Bio-Sciences. It dedicated to publish and disseminate significant research in the field of microbiology. Scope of the journal includes: Structure and function, biochemistry, enzymology, metabolism and its regulation, molecular biology, genetics, plasmids and transposons, general microbiology, Microbial Biotechnology, applied microbiology, Industrial Microbiology, Soil Microbiology, Agricultural Microbiology, agricultural and veterinary microbiology, structure and function of biomolecules, genetic engineering, virology, immunology, clinical microbiology, microbial ecology, environmental microbiology, food microbiology, molecular systematics, chemical or physical characterization of microbial structures or products and basic biological properties of organisms. Scope of the journal includes: Molecular biology, genetic engineering, microbial biotechnology, plant biotechnology, animal biotechnology, marine biotechnology, environmental biotechnology, biological processes, industrial applications, bioinformatics, stress physiology, proteomics, biochemistry and biochemical engineering. 

  • Prakriti - The International Multidisciplinary Research Journal

    Prakriti - The International Multidisciplinary Research Journal

    Prakriti - The International Multidisciplinary Research Journal is a peer-reviewed publication dedicated to showcasing original, high-quality academic research. Its mission is to provide a global platform for researchers to share innovative, practical, and significant research findings across diverse disciplines. The journal welcomes contributions from academicians, consultants, policy makers, business managers, and practitioners, aiming to foster new ideas and problem-solving models. Prakriti is committed to disseminating world-class research insights that benefit academia, industry, and policy makers alike.

  • The Journal of Plant Protection Sciences

    The Journal of Plant Protection Sciences (JPPS) is a bi-annual publication dedicated to advancing research in the field of plant protection. It invites high-quality submissions, including:

    1. Full Research Articles: Comprehensive studies presenting original research findings, which are given top priority.
    2. Short Communications: Concise reports addressing specific aspects of plant protection.

    The journal also encourages review articles that explore current challenges, propose innovative solutions, and link the future of crop protection to its historical roots.

    All submissions undergo a thorough peer-review process and must be written in clear, concise English (UK/India). Researchers and authors from both within and outside the membership are welcome to contribute, offering an excellent platform to share their findings and insights with the scientific community. JPPS is committed to publishing impactful research that drives the field of plant protection forward.

  • Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology

    The Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology (JFMT) is a peer-reviewed, hybrid, bi-annual journal with a broad international perspective. The journal is dedicated to all branches of Forensic Medicine, Legal Medicine, Toxicology and allied sciences for the administration of justice. Specifically, the Journal encourages research articles that explore principles of forensic practice in contact with judicial system, practice of toxicology; and articles related to medical litigation, medical law and medico-legal issues arising out of day-to-day practice. The journal is an official publication of Medicolegal Society (regd.). The journal was initiated in year 1984 and passing through 40th year of its publication in 2023.

  • Advances in Applied Biological Research

    Advances in Applied Biological Research is an esteemed open-access journal dedicated to the swift dissemination of high-impact research in the field of applied biological sciences. Our mission is to advance knowledge and innovation across various applied biological disciplines by publishing original, high-quality research that addresses real-world challenges and contributes to scientific and practical advancements.

    Scope: The journal covers a broad spectrum of applied biological fields, including:

    • Agriculture: Research focused on improving crop yield, pest management, and sustainable farming practices.
    • Veterinary Sciences: Studies related to animal health, disease management, and veterinary advancements.
    • Medical Sciences: Innovative research on diagnostics, treatment methods, and biomedical applications.
    • Ecology and Environmental Sciences: Investigations into ecosystem dynamics, environmental conservation, and climate change impacts.
    • Biotechnology: Cutting-edge research in genetic engineering, molecular biology, and biotechnological applications.
    • Biochemistry: Advances in understanding biological processes at a molecular level, including enzymology and metabolic pathways.

    Key Features:

    • Original Research Papers: Detailed studies that contribute novel findings and advance the field.
    • Short Communications: Brief reports on significant or timely findings that offer insights into emerging trends.
    • Review Articles: Comprehensive reviews providing critical overviews of specific topics within applied biological research, synthesizing current knowledge, and identifying future research directions.
    • Technical Notes: Reports on innovative techniques or methodologies that enhance research practices and applications.

    Peer Review Process: All manuscripts submitted to Advances in Applied Biological Research undergo a stringent double-blind peer-review process to ensure the highest standards of scientific quality and integrity. Our expert reviewers evaluate submissions based on their originality, significance, and methodological rigor.

    Open Access Commitment: We are committed to providing unrestricted access to all published research, ensuring that valuable scientific knowledge is freely available to researchers, practitioners, and the global scientific community. By promoting open access, we facilitate greater collaboration and accelerate the translation of research findings into practical applications.

    Submission Information: Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts that align with the journal’s focus areas. Detailed submission guidelines and procedures are available on our website. For any inquiries or further assistance, please contact us at or via WhatsApp at +91 8459080899.

    Advances in Applied Biological Research invites researchers, scholars, and practitioners to contribute to our journal and engage in advancing the frontiers of applied biological science.

  • Maharaja Surajmal Institute Law Journal

    The MSI Law Journal, Delhi (MSILJ) is a flagship journal, which was established in the year 2024 by Maharaja Surajmal Institute, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (GGSIPU). It aims to promote inter-disciplinary and empirical discussions on diverse areas of law. Through publication of high-quality research on diverse and contemporary topics, it aims to contribute to better policy making and judicial discussions. We wish to provide a forum for legal scholars, researchers, practitioners, and students to engage in dialogue about pressing legal issues, fostering a community of inquiry and debate. The journal’s Advisory Board encapsulates the core ethos of the MSI Law journal, which is to promote and foster multidisciplinary researches in the field of law for revolutionising the understanding of contemporary legal issues across the globe.

  • Indian Journal of Applied-Basic Medical Sciences

    The Journal is inviting original research work, articles, original review articles, case reports, and short communications of interest to medical fraternity.
    This journal is published online and print format since 1999 one of oldest and pioneer journal of Gujarat India. This has remained, pioneer leader, inspiration and guide of so many Indian journals which arise later on all over across the country.

  • Journal of Extension Systems

    The Journal of Extension Systems (JES) is an international half-yearly interdisciplinary social science peer reviewed, referred journal since 1985 under the aegis of Extension Systems Foundation International (A Not for Profit NGO Charity Organisation, registered under the Companies Act 2013) by ACS Publisher, India. The journal is registered with the Registrar of Newspapers in India vide registration no 42418/85 in addition to having ISSN 0970-2989 and eISSN 2582-273X. The journal was conceived and implemented by Founding Editor in Chief Dr. O.S. Verma.

    The journal is dedicated to the cause of advancing understanding of Extension Systems through empirical investigations, theoretical analysis, and practical experiences to provide authoritative reference that deals with extension systems in both emerging and developed economies.

    It is indexed in Crossref, Road, google Scholar, EBSCO, OpenAlex, indiacitationindex,,, ULRICH periodical directory, j-gate, science gate, INSDOC, etc.

  • Journal of Laboratory Animal Science

    The Journal of Laboratory Animal Science is a leading publication dedicated to advancing knowledge and promoting ethical practices in the care, use, and management of laboratory animals in biomedical and veterinary research. This peer-reviewed journal serves as a platform for sharing cutting-edge research, innovations, and insights that support laboratory animal welfare and scientific excellence.

    The journal covers a wide range of topics, including animal care and welfare, advancements in laboratory techniques, regulatory compliance, and veterinary interventions. It is an essential resource for researchers, veterinarians, and professionals committed to the responsible and humane use of laboratory animals in research.