A Case of Furuncle Treated with Homoeopathic Similimum


  • Reena Kumari M.D.(Hom.) Assistant Professor Department of Materia Medica SHMC&H, Kumarhatti, Solan (H.P.) Author


Homoeopathy, furuncle, Individualisation, S. aureus


Homoeopathy is a unique system of  medicine based on individualization  and symptom similarity of the  patient. It treats sickness of a man  as a whole and individualised  entity. Homoeopathy can help in the  treatment of various skin conditions,  as it can be seen from the case report  presented of a 21 years old girl who  was suffering from furuncle since  2 weeks and treated within 1 week  with Homoeopathic similimum  which was selected on the basis of  individualisation.  


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How to Cite

A Case of Furuncle Treated with Homoeopathic Similimum . (2023). Homoeopathy for All, 25(1), 79-81. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/hfa/article/view/13945