Hidradenitis Suppurativa


  • Mudita Arora Compiled by Bakson’s Deptt. of Clinical Research and Product Development Author
  • Pooja Maurya Compiled by Bakson’s Deptt. of Clinical Research and Product Development Author


Verneuil’s disease, hidradenitis


Hidradenitis suppurative (HS), also  known as Verneuil’s disease or acne  inversa, and occasionally is spelled  hidradenitis, is a chronic, recurrent,  debilitating disease that presents  with painful, inflamed lesions in the  apocrine-gland–bearing areas of the  body, most commonly the axillary,  inguinal, and anogenital. Although  the name "hidradenitis suppurativa"  implies a suppurative disorder that  primarily involves sweat glands,  increasing knowledge of the  pathogenesis of the condition has led  to the prevailing theory that HS is a  chronic follicular occlusive disease  involving the follicular portion of  folliculopilosebaceous units.  


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