The BBCR Approach for Vitamin D Deficiency


  • Vasundhara Mehrotra Department of Repertory Solan Homoeopathic Medical College, Kumarhatti, Solan Author
  • Sumi Sharma Assistant Professor Department of Community Medicine Solan Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Kumarhatti, Solan Author


calcium, Vitamin D, presents


Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin, which plays a major role in calcium homeostasis and bone metabolism. It is vital for skeletal health due to its role in the absorption of calcium and phosphates from the intestine for optimum mineralization of bone and teeth. Several recent studies show the crucial role of vitamin D in both skeletal and extra skeletal health. Besides bones and small intestines, vitamin D receptors have been found in other body tissues such as macrophages, type 1 helper T-cells, the prostate, the brain etc emphasizing its role in the development of myopathies, immunomodulations, diabetes, cardiovascular and hypertensive disorders and even cancers.1 The typical clinical vitamin D deficiency presents as rickets and tetany2 in infants and young children and Osteomalacia in adults. 


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