Osteoarthritic Nosode & Osteoarthritis - A Complete Review


  • M.D. (Hom) (Pract. of Med), PGDHHM HOD & PG Guide, Author
  • S R Ameerkhan BABU M.D. (Hom) (Pract. of Med), MBA Dept. of Practice of Medicine Vinayaka Mission’s Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, (A Constituent college of Vinayaka Mission’s Research Foundation - Deemed to be University, Salem, Tamilnadu), Salem - 636308 Tamilnadu Author


Osteoarthritic, nosode


Osteoarthritic nosode (O.A.N.) also called Osteoarthriticum, a homoeopathic medicine, is a nosode prepared from osteoarthritic synovial tissues. On reviewing numerous literatures, it was proved that O.A.N. gave great results in many cases of osteoarthritis. The following article includes the review about the importance of osteoarthritic nosode, its preparation and the clinical indications


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Swain T.L., Nosodes Asian journal of Homoeopathy, Anuj Arora Publications, Nov 2011- Jan 2012. New Delhi, Vol 5, p. 53-55.

Patil J.D. Group Study in Homoeopathic Materia Medica, 1st edition Published by B. Jain

Publishers (p) ltd, New Delhi 2006, p. 283-299.

Shepper L.D., Hahnemann Text book of Classical Homeopathy for professional, The Vital Force in Health and Healing, Constitution, Timeline and Temperament, B. Jain publishers, 2010, 2, p. 317- 328.

Boericke W. Boericke’s New Manual of Homoeopathy Materia Medica with Repertory, 9th Edition, B. Jain publishers (p) Ltd, New Delhi 2011, p. 1033-1034.

Murphy R. Lotus Materia Medica, 2nd revised edition, B. Jain Publishers, New Delhi. 2009, p. 1291.

Julian O.A. Osteoarthritic Nosode, Materia Medica of Nosodes with Repertory, B.



How to Cite

Osteoarthritic Nosode & Osteoarthritis - A Complete Review . (2021). Homoeopathy for All, 23(4), 29-31. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/hfa/article/view/14039