Sciatica and its Homeopathic Management


  • Geeta Rani Arora BHMS, MD (Hom) Chief Consultant, Heal with Homeopathy K-30 B, Basement, Kalkaji, New Delhi, Pin -110019 Faculty, London College of Homeopathy Author
  • Vasundhara Mehrotra M.D. (hom.) Assistant Professor Department of Case taking and Repertory Solan Homoeopathic Medical College, Kumarhatti, Solan(H.P.) Author


Diagnosis, Prognosis and Treatment


Sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body which originates from the sacral plexus, formed by the roots (anterior rami) of spinal nerves L4– L5 and S1–S4. Sciatica is a type of Lumbar Radicular Pain (LRP)1 and is the most common form of back pain, caused by compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve. The typical presentation of sciatica is a pain that extends from the buttock down the posterior and lateral aspect of the leg and the lateral aspect of the foot. 


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cervical to fifth dorsal vertebra, very sensitive; worse touch (Chin s; Phosph) Sciatica; worse right side, coughing, straining, and at night, with sensitive vertebral column. Contraction of tendons in bends of knees.


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