Integrated management of Graphiola leaf spot (Graphiola phoenicis) in tissue cultured date palm saplings during plant hardening stage


  • Dhurendra Singh ICAR-Central Institute for Arid Horticulture, Bikaner Author
  • P N Sivalingam ICAR-Central Institute for Arid Horticulture, Bikaner Author
  • Kamlesh Kumar ICAR-Central Institute for Arid Horticulture, Bikaner Author
  • P L Saroj ICAR-Central Institute for Arid Horticulture, Bikaner Author
  • G B Patil Anand Agricultural University Author
  • Subhash N Anand Agricultural University Author


Date palm, graphiola, tissue culture plants


Tissue culture plants of date palm cultivar Barhee produced through somatic embryogenesis at AAU, Anand were primarily hardened and supplied to ICAR-CIAH for secondary hardening and field evaluation. The plants were kept under greenhouse for secondary hardening and further growth and development of plants for achieving transplantable size of plants for field plantation. During the process of plant hardening, the plants were infected by Graphiola leaf spot (Graphiola phoenicis) with the symptoms of small spots on both sides of leaves and yellow spore masses on underneath of leaves. The moderate temperature, high humidity inside the green house accompanied by short day and frequently occurrence of fog during winter month favored the development of smut infection. For its management, the leaves of infected plants were pruned out and plants were sprayed weekly with copper oxychloride and bavastin fungicides alternatively. The integrated practices of enhanced photoperiod and light intensity under green house in combination with fungicides application to plants were found very effective to suppress the intensity of disease and its adverse effects on the plants. Using these practices, the plants have been successfully hardened and planted in the field


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How to Cite

Integrated management of Graphiola leaf spot (Graphiola phoenicis) in tissue cultured date palm saplings during plant hardening stage . (2019). Indian Journal of Arid Horticulture, 1(1), 14-17.