Effect of early and split weaning on carcass characteristics of large White Yorkshire piglets


  • I RAMYASREE Dept.of LPM, NTR College of Veterinary Science, Gannavaram, Krishna District.
  • P ASHA LATHA Assistant Professor, Dept.of LPM, NTR College of Veterinary science,Gannavaram,Krishna (District).
  • CH VENKATA SESHAIAH Associate Professor & Head, Dept.of ILFC, NTR College of Veterinary science, Gannavaram, Krishna (District).
  • D SRINIVAS KUMAR Associate Professor, Dept.of Nutrition, NTR College of Veterinary science, Gannavaram, Krishna (District)


Dressing percentage and Meat-Bone ratio, Early weaning, Split weaning


 A study was carried out in 30 large White Yorkshire piglets to find out the effect of early and split weaning  on carcass characteristics. Four weaning age groups, 56 days of conventional weaning age as group  1 (n=8), early weaning of entire litter at 28 days as group 2 (n=10), split weaned piglets with heavy  litter weaned at 28 days as group 3 (n=6), weak litter left with sow up to 56 days as group 4 (n=6) were  compared. By the end of study period, pigs were slaughtered and the carcass traits were studied that  included dressing percentage and meat: bone ratio. The dressing percent was significantly lower in 2nd group of piglets (73.29±0.51) compared to 1st (78.14±0.91), 3rd (76.49±0.53) and 4th (77.91±0.25) group.  However no significant difference in dressing percent was observed among 1st, 3rd and 4th group piglets.  The meat: bone ratio was significantly higher in 3rd group of piglets (3.20±0.02) compared to 1st (3.07±0.06),  2nd (3.03±0.05) and 4th (2.80±0.05). 



How to Cite

Effect of early and split weaning on carcass characteristics of large White Yorkshire piglets . (2018). Indian Journal of Animal Production and Management, 34(1-2), 35-37. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/ijapm/article/view/6993