Causes of reasons for disposal of Kankrej cattle at an organized farm


  • K J Ankuya Associate Professor, Department of LPM, College of Veterinary Science & A. H., S. D. Agricultural University, Dist- Banaskantha – 385 506 (Gujarat).
  • H D Chauhan Associate Professor, Department of LPM, College of Veterinary Science & A. H., S. D. Agricultural University, Dist- Banaskantha – 385 506 (Gujarat).
  • A K Srivastava Assistant Professor, Department of LPM, College of Veterinary Science & A. H., S. D. Agricultural University, Dist- Banaskantha – 385 506 (Gujarat).
  • A Paregi P.G. Students, Department of LPM, College of Veterinary Science & A. H., S. D. Agricultural University, Dist Banaskantha – 385 506 (Gujarat).
  • M P Madhavatar P.G. Students, Department of LPM, College of Veterinary Science & A. H., S. D. Agricultural University, Dist Banaskantha – 385 506 (Gujarat).


Culling, Disposal, Kankrej, Low milk production, Reason, Reproductive disorder, Udder problems


An analysis was performed to study the reasons for disposal of Kankrej cattle at an organized farm. Data  were collected from different disposal and production records from January 2003 to December 2013  and these were analyzed by using frequency and per cent basis. The overall mean annual disposal of  Kankrej cows at LRS, Sardarkrushinagar was 20.36 ± 02.20 and contributed 18.91 ± 02.29 and 01.45  ± 00.34 nos., respectively for culling due to various reasons and death. The overall per cent disposal of  cows was 18.71, contributing 17.38 and 01.34 per cent, respectively due to culling and death. The results  showed that reproductive disorders (30.80%), low milk production (19.20%) and udder problems/ blind  teat (17.86%) were the major reasons for culling of adult Kankrej cows followed by minor reasons like old  age (09.82%), sale to other institute (08.93%) and death (07.14%), off breed (02.68%), vices (01.79%),  diseases (01.34%) and inferior growth (00.45%). The culling of cows due to involuntary reasons (reproductive  disorders, udder problems and diseases) accounts 50 per cent of total disposal of Kankrej cattle herd of  the research station. Highest number (34) of Kankrej cows were culled in the year 2011. The highest per  cent culling (18.75) was practised in first lactation and lowest (05.80) in the seventh lactation. However,  70.09, per cent of cows were culled up to the fourth lactation. Highest numbers (69) of cows were culled  due to reproductive disorder followed by low milk (43) production. Majority of cows were culled due to low  milk production and culled up to third third lactation. The high involuntary culling rate not only makes the  dairy enterprises economically less profitable but also reduces the genetic improvement by lowering the  selection differential for milk production. 



How to Cite

Causes of reasons for disposal of Kankrej cattle at an organized farm . (2018). Indian Journal of Animal Production and Management, 34(1-2), 43-49.