Effect of Ajwain (Trachyspermum Ammi) supplementation on haemato-biochemical parameters of broiler chicken


  • AMAR SHROHA Department of Livestock Production Management,h.D Scholar (LPM), CoVS, LUVAS, Hisar.
  • DEVENDER SINGH BIDHAN Department of Livestock Production Management, Assistant Professor (LPM), CoVS, LUVAS, Hisar.
  • DIPIN CHANDER YADAV Department of Livestock Production Management,Ph.D Scholar (LPM), CoVS, LUVAS, Hisar.
  • SANDEEP KUMAR Department of Veterinary Physiology and Biochemistry, College of Veterinary Sciences, Ph.D Scholar (AGB), CoVS, LUVAS, Hisar


Ajwain, Broiler, Haemato-biochemical parameters



The present study attempts to analyze the effect of supplementation of Ajwain on the Haemato-biochemical  parameters of broiler chicken. Two hundred and twenty five day old straight run broiler chicks were  distributed into 5 groups with 3 replicates, each consisting of 15 broilers in a completely randomized design.  The treatments included the control group (basal diet) and four groups with basal diet + Ajwain powder  @ 0.1% in feed, basal diet + Ajwain powder @ 0.2% in feed and basal diet + Ajwain seeds soaked in  drinking water over nightly @ 0.1% and basal diet + Ajwain seeds soaked in drinking water over nightly  @ 0.2% respectively. Temperature and humidity of the shed were recorded daily to calculate Temperature  Humidity Index (THI). Standard feeding and all other managemental practices were followed during the  experimental period. At 14, 28 and 42nd day of the experiment, one bird from each replicate was sacrificed  for estimation of Haemato-biochemical parameters. Among Haemato-biochemical parameters Hb, PCV,  TEC, TLC, cholesterol, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and total protein showed significant differences  among treatment groups as compared to control group.  




How to Cite

Effect of Ajwain (Trachyspermum Ammi) supplementation on haemato-biochemical parameters of broiler chicken . (2016). Indian Journal of Animal Production and Management, 32(3-4), 191-199. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/ijapm/article/view/7142