Impact of Dairy Co-operative Society on the Knowledge Level of Dairy Farmers in Rajasthan


  • N.K. Khyalia Division of Veterinary Extension Education, IVRI, Izatnagar -243122, Bareilly (UP),
  • M.P. Sagar MVSc. (Veterinary Extension Education), IVRI, Izatnagar, Corresponding author, Principal Scientist, CARI, Izatnagar,


Knowledge, dairy farmers, milch animal, scientific dairy farming practices


Present study was conducted on a total 120 dairy farmers having minimum two milch animals which include 60 member  and 60 non-member of dairy co-operative, selected from eight villages of Sikar district of Rajasthan during the year 2014,  to ascertain the impact of dairy co-operative on dairy farmers in terms of their knowledge level about scientific dairy  farming practices. Findings revealed that majority of the respondents (53.33%) of both the categories possessed moderate  knowledge about scientific dairy farming practices. It was found that knowledge level of member dairy farmers was  significantly higher than the non-member dairy farmers except: knowledge about artificial insemination, deworming and  feeding of green fodder. 


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How to Cite

Impact of Dairy Co-operative Society on the Knowledge Level of Dairy Farmers in Rajasthan (N. Khyalia & M. Sagar , Trans.). (2015). Indian Journal of Extension Education, 51(3&4), 165-167.