Constraints Perceived by Tribal Farmers in Adoption of Recommended Practices


  • Parvez Rajan Ph.D. Scholar JNKVV, Jabalpur
  • N. K. Khare Head, Deptt. of Extn. Edu. JNKVV, Jabalpur
  • S. R. K. Singh Sr. Scientist, ZPD Zone VII JNKVV, Jabalpur
  • M. A. Khan Directorate of Extension Services, JNKVV, Jabalpur


Adoption, beneficiaries, constraints, krishi vigyan kendra


KVKs are grass root level institutions imparting training programme for the rural people. Undoubtedly training helps to  improve the knowledge and skill. Therefore, the present study was undertaken during 2013-14 to identify the constraints  faced by the tribal farmers in adoption of improved production technology given by Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK)  working in the tribal district of Madhya Pradesh. The study was conducted with 225 tribal farmers (beneficiaries)  randomly selected from 12 villages of Mandla, Dindori and Shahdol district. Result of the study revealed that lack of agro  based and rural industries for the income generation and employment to tribals, lack of current agricultural literature,  demonstrations not conducted adequately and timely, co-operative societies are not providing seeds timely, lack of  storage facilities were the top most ranked constraints faced by the tribal farmers.


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How to Cite

Constraints Perceived by Tribal Farmers in Adoption of Recommended Practices (P. Rajan, N. K. Khare, S. R. K. Singh, & M. A. Khan , Trans.). (2014). Indian Journal of Extension Education, 50(3&4), 65-68.