Comparative Evaluation of Toggle Rod Technique and Toggle Pin Technique for the Repair of Coxofemoral Luxation in Dogs


  • Kanteshkumar Mahadev Jekinakatti Department of Veterinary Surgery & Radiology, Veterinary College, Hassan-573202, KVAFSU, Bidar, Karnataka
  • Manjunatha Dasalukunte Ramaiah Department of Veterinary Clinical Complex, Veterinary College, Hassan-573202, KVAFSU, Bidar, Karnataka
  • Vilas Dhoopadahalli Department of Veterinary Surgery & Radiology, Veterinary College, Hassan-573202, KVAFSU, Bidar, Karnataka
  • Basavaraj Ramappa Balappanavar Department of Public Health & Epidemiology, Veterinary College, Shivamogga-577204, KVAFSU, Bidar, Karnataka
  • Sannathkumar Mahadev Jekinakatti Department of Studies in Commerce, Davangere University, Davangere-577007, Karnataka



Coxofemoral luxation, Craniodorsal, Dog, Reluxation, Toggle pin, Toggle rod


The clinical study was conducted to evaluate the toggle rod technique and toggle pin technique for the repair of coxofemoral luxation in ten clinical cases of dogs of either sex, aged 1 to 8 years, and of different breeds. Dogs were brought with a history of limping and non weight bearing lameness mostly following automobile accidents. Orthopaedic and radiographic examination confirmed coxofemoral luxation in all dogs. Under inhalant anaesthesia luxation was stabilised with toggle rod technique in three cases and toggle pin technique in seven cases via craniodorsal approach. Post-operatively an Ehmer’s sling and pelvic bandage was applied and limited activity with short leash walk was advised. Intra-operative complications were not observed in any of the operative techniques. Post-operative radiographic evaluation revealed proper alignment and anatomical configuration of coxofemoral joint in both, toggle rod and toggle pin techniques. All dogs with toggle pin technique showed excellent weight bearing and limb usage on 30th post-operative day onwards. Toggle rod technique had reluxation as a complication. All the dogs with toggle pin technique recovered uneventfully and reluxation in toggle rod technique was treated with femoral head and neck excision. In conclusion clinical results were excellent with toggle pin technique than toggle rod technique in dogs for the repair of coxofemoral luxations.


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How to Cite

Mahadev Jekinakatti, K., Dasalukunte Ramaiah, M., Dhoopadahalli, V., Ramappa Balappanavar, B., & Mahadev Jekinakatti, S. (2025). Comparative Evaluation of Toggle Rod Technique and Toggle Pin Technique for the Repair of Coxofemoral Luxation in Dogs . Indian Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Biotechnology, 21(2), 108-111.