Utilization of Social Media for Accessing Scientific Information by Livestock Farmers in Karnataka State


  • UM Rakshit Raj Part of M.V.Sc Thesis submitted by the first Author. Dept. of Veterinary and A.H Extension Education, Veterinary College, Hebbal, Bengaluru, Karnataka
  • K Satyanarayan Professor and Head, Dept of Veterinary and AH Extension Education, Veterinary College, Hebbal, Bengaluru
  • V jagadeswary Associate Professor, Dept of Veterinary and AH Extension Education, Veterinary College, Hebbal, Bengaluru
  • Prakash Kumar Rathod Assistant Professor, Dept of Veterinary and AH Extension Education, Veterinary College, Bidar
  • S Naveen Kumar Assistant Professor and Head, Dept of Animal Genetics and Breeding, Veterinary College, Hebbal, Bengaluru
  • DG Mahadevappa Assistant Professor, Dept of Livestock Production and Management, Veterinary College, Hebbal, Bengaluru


: Extension education, ICT, Livestock farmers, Livestock management, Social media.


The agricultural and livestock research, education, and extension are important components for increasing production and meeting
the demands of the growing population with sustainability. In this context, knowledge or information is very critical for improving the
production under the present extension delivery system in India. Several studies have highlighted emerging ICTs which have the potential
to reach the mass population at a limited time despite traditional media. One such emerging ICT is Social Media, which is utilized by
most of the stakeholders, including farmers around the globe. Hence, for documenting its application for livestock information needs
among the livestock farmers, an ex-post-facto exploratory study was conducted in Southern Karnataka using 108 purposively selected
farmers, which comprised of 36 farmers each belonging to dairy, poultry and sheep and goat husbandry with pre-tested structured
interview schedule. Majority of the farmers in each category were aware about social media and possessed social media accounts
with highest number of WhatsApp accounts being possessed by the farmers. Social media was utilized for obtaining information
about latest livestock production and management practices in all the categories. From these findings, it could be elucidated that the
respondents predominantly perceived that social media had higher benefits in attaining livestock related information and adoption
of digital knowledge into practice.


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How to Cite

Raj, U. R., Satyanarayan, K., jagadeswary, V., Rathod, P. K., Kumar, S. N., & Mahadevappa, D. (2020). Utilization of Social Media for Accessing Scientific Information by Livestock Farmers in Karnataka State . Indian Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Biotechnology, 15(4), 80-83. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/ijvsbt/article/view/2450