Fresh and Post-Thaw Seminal Attributes of Jafarabadi Buffalo Bulls


  • KH Parmar Veterinary College, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh
  • FS Kavani Veterinary College, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh
  • TK Patbandha Veterinary College, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh
  • SS Parikh Cattle Breeding Farm, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh, India


Acrosomal integrity, Conception rate, HOS reactive sperm, Jafarabadi bulls,, Neat semen, Post-thaw seminal traits.


The study was conducted on four Jafarabadi breeding bulls, 5-6 years old to know the fresh and post-thawed seminal characteristics
based on total of 192 semen ejaculates evaluated and cryopreserved over one year period. The mean values of fresh neat seminal
characteristics of Jafarabadi bulls, viz., ejaculate volume (ml), colour/density (score), sperm concentration (million/ml), mass activity
(score), initial motility (%), live sperm (%), abnormal sperm (%), HOS reactive sperm (%) and acrosomal integrity (%) were 5.19±0.18,
2.38±0.10, 1253.36±24.75, 3.73±0.05, 80.31±0.05, 86.20±0.64, 5.00±0.40, 85.75±0.43 and 93.56±0.56, respectively, whereas the mean
post-thawed sperm characteristics, viz., progressive sperm motility, live sperm (%), abnormal sperm (%), HOS reactive sperm (%), acrosomal
integrity (%) and first insemination conception rate (%) observed were 57.60±0.36, 66.34±0.53, 8.85±0.33, 56.97±0.46, 75.26±0.17 and
44.63±0.14, respectively. The semen quality of fresh and post-thawed samples observed was within normal limit for use in breeding
program with satisfactory first insemination conception rate


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How to Cite

Parmar, K., Kavani, F., Patbandha, T., & Parikh, S. (2020). Fresh and Post-Thaw Seminal Attributes of Jafarabadi Buffalo Bulls. Indian Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Biotechnology, 15(3), 45-48.