Effect of Herbal Galactogogue (Sanjivani biokseera) on Milk Yield and Milk Constituents in Lactating Kankrej Cattle at Organised Farm


  • HH Panchasara Livestock Research Station, Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agri cultural University, Sardarkrushinagar–385 506, Gujarat, India
  • AB Chaudhari Livestock Research Station, Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agri cultural University, Sardarkrushinagar–385 506, Gujarat, India
  • DA Patel Livestock Research Station, Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agri cultural University, Sardarkrushinagar–385 506, Gujarat, India
  • YM Gami Livestock Research Station, Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agri cultural University, Sardarkrushinagar–385 506, Gujarat, India
  • MP Patel Livestock Research Station, Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agri cultural University, Sardarkrushinagar–385 506, Gujarat, India


Herbal galactogogues, Kankrej cows, Milk yield, Milk constituents


The study was conducted to evaluate the effect of feeding herbal galactogogue preparation (Sanjivani biokseera) on the milk yield and  milk constituents in lactating Kankrej cows. Thirty-two lactating Kankrej cows in their 1st to 6th lactation were taken for the experiment  from 3 days after calving up to 52 days postpartum. All the animals were fed as per the standard seasonally available roughages and  concentrates to meet their nutritional requirements. The cows were randomly divided into two uniform groups of 16 cows in each  according to initial milk yield and milk composition. The animals in group-I were not given any supplement and served as control. The  animals in group-II were given Sanjivani biokseera (Naturewell Industries) @ 60 g per day for 1-month, commencing 3 days after calving,  in addition to the usual feeds/fodders. A clear difference was observed in milk yield from day 8 onward of experiment between groups  with significant (p <0.05) higher values from day 16–52 in cows fed herbal galactogogue as compared to control, but no such distinct  effect on milk constituents was observed on day 52 when analyzed. The use of herbal galactogogue significantly (p <0.05) increased the  overall average of 52 days milk production, which was 9.34 ± 0.21 lit/day in supplemented as compared to 7.75 ± 0.26 lit/day in control  animals. It was concluded that herbal galactogogue (Sanjivani biokseera) could increase milk yield in lactating dairy cows through its  galactopoetic property and improved rumen environment. 


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How to Cite

Panchasara, H. ., Chaudhari, A. ., Patel, D. ., Gami, Y. ., & Patel, M. . (2019). Effect of Herbal Galactogogue (Sanjivani biokseera) on Milk Yield and Milk Constituents in Lactating Kankrej Cattle at Organised Farm . Indian Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Biotechnology, 15(2), 38-40. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/ijvsbt/article/view/2510