Effect of Supplementation of Multi Enzymes on Production Performance and Egg Quality Traits in White Leghorn Layers


  • C. Pandian Poultry Research Station Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Madavaram Milk Colony, Chennai-600 051, India.
  • A. Sundaresan Poultry Research Station Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Madavaram Milk Colony, Chennai-600 051, India.
  • A.V. Omprakash Poultry Research Station Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Madavaram Milk Colony, Chennai-600 051, India.


Multi-enzymes Complex, Supplementation, Production Performance, egg quality traits, White Leghorn


The present study was conducted to assess the effect of supplementation of Multi-enzymes with  lysophospholipids on production performance of pure line White Leghorn layers. Body weights  before and after the experiment did not differ significantly across the experimental diets. Irrespective  of the dietary treatments, the birds gained 3.83 per cent of live weight relative to its initial body  weight. Mean per cent Hen housed egg production was significantly (P<0.05) higher in diet  supplemented with 0.10 MEC-L than other groups. Mean egg weight and average daily feed  consumption during 25 to 35 weeks of age indicated no significant effect of enzyme supplementation.  Average daily feed consumption per bird in control, 0.05 % and 0.1 % multi-enzyme supplemented  groups was 108.13, 105.66 and 107.67 g respectively and birds offered control diet recorded  numerically more feed intake than enzyme supplemented groups. Comparatively low feed per egg  was observed in 0.1 O per cent group followed by 0.05 per cent group which offers economic benefits  than control diets. However, the egg quality traits between different dietary enzyme supplementation  groups showed no significant difference.  


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How to Cite

Pandian, C. ., Sundaresan, . A. ., & Omprakash, A. . (2016). Effect of Supplementation of Multi Enzymes on Production Performance and Egg Quality Traits in White Leghorn Layers . Indian Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Biotechnology, 12(2), 18-21. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/ijvsbt/article/view/2799