lmmunomodulatory Effect of Andrographis panicu/ata during Lead Induced Toxicity in Broilers


  • A. S. Chandewar Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology PGIVAS, Akola- 444 104 (M.S.)
  • R. S. Ingole Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology PGIVAS, Akola- 444 104 (M.S.)
  • M. V. Joshi Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology PGIVAS, Akola- 444 104 (M.S.)
  • Madhuri Hedau Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology PGIVAS, Akola- 444 104 (M.S.)
  • S. W. Hajare Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology PGIVAS, Akola- 444 104 (M.S.)
  • M. V. lngawale Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology PGIVAS, Akola- 444 104 (M.S.)


Lead acetate, Andrographis paniculata, lmmunomodulation, Broilers


The effect of dietary lead exposure on immunomodulation of broilers and possible ameliorative effect  of Andrographis paniculata were studied. One hundred broiler chicks were randomly divided into  five equal groups of 20 each. Group TO served as control while group T1, T2, T3 and T4 birds were  provided commercial diet with lead acetate at the dose of 300 ppm in feed. Powder of dry leaves  of Andrographis paniculata was mixed in the feed of group T2, T3 and T 4 chicks at the dose of  2 gm, 3 gm and 4 gm/kg of feed respectively and fed for 4 weeks. Significant decrease in HI titres  in T1 group and significant increase in T4 group suggested increased haemagglutination titre (HI)  response. The maximum skin thickness and diameter on 24th and 48th hours was observed in control  group birds (TO) and was comparable with T4 group. Microscopically spleen, thymus and bursa  of fabricius revealed increase in lymphoid population in birds fed lead acetate along with  Andrographis paniculata compared to T1 group. We concluded that Andrographis paniculata has  immunomodulatory effect during lead toxicity in broilers.  


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How to Cite

Chandewar, A. S. ., Ingole, R. S. ., Joshi, M. V. ., Hedau, . M. ., Hajare, S. W. ., & lngawale, . M. V. . (2016). lmmunomodulatory Effect of Andrographis panicu/ata during Lead Induced Toxicity in Broilers . Indian Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Biotechnology, 12(2), 70-74. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/ijvsbt/article/view/2817