Protective Effect Of Opuntia Elatior And Withania Somnifera Against Lead Acetate Induced Toxicity In Broiler Chickens


  • T.M. Shah Torrent Research Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, JAU, Junagadh, Gujarat, India
  • V.R. Nimavat Torrent Research Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, JAU, Junagadh, Gujarat, India
  • U.D. Patel Torrent Research Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, JAU, Junagadh, Gujarat, India
  • A.R. Bhadania Torrent Research Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, JAU, Junagadh, Gujarat, India
  • R.J. Padodara Torrent Research Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, JAU, Junagadh, Gujarat, India
  • C.M. Modi Torrent Research Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, JAU, Junagadh, Gujarat, India
  • H.B. Patel Torrent Research Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, JAU, Junagadh, Gujarat, India


Opuntia elatior, Withania somnifera, Lead acetate, Broiler chickens, Toxicity


The present study was carried out to evaluate the protective effect of Opuntia elatior fruit juice (3 ml/kg body weight) and aqua-alcoholic extract of Withania somnifera (100 mg/kg body weight) alone and in combination of both against lead acetate (500 ppm in feed for 21 days) induced toxicity in broiler chickens (n=8 each) keeping one group each of lead induced toxicity and healthy control. Clinical symptoms of toxicity were observed in birds received only lead acetate. Haematological parameters, Hb and MCHC in birds treated with lead acetate were found significantly (P<0.05) lower as compared to that of control group. Non-significant (P>0.05) alterations in PCV, TEC, TLC and MCV levels of birds of all treatment groups were observed compared to that of control birds. Mean values of ALT, BUN, creatinine and total bilirubin were significantly (P<0.05) higher in birds treated with lead acetate as compared to control group, whereas mean values of AST, total protein, albumin, globulin, ACP, ALP and LDH did not differ significantly between groups. It was concluded that daily administration of Opuntia elatior or Withania somnifera at above dose rate may be useful for protection of hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity in broilers chickens. 


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How to Cite

Shah, T. ., Nimavat, V. ., Patel, . U. ., Bhadania, A. ., Padodara, R. ., Modi , C. ., & Patel, . H. . (2016). Protective Effect Of Opuntia Elatior And Withania Somnifera Against Lead Acetate Induced Toxicity In Broiler Chickens . Indian Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Biotechnology, 11(4), 1-5.