Consumption Pattern Of Milk And Other Livestock Products In Rural And Uraban Areas Of Tamil Nadu


  • A. Swaminathan Dept. of Livestock Business Management Madras Veterinary College, TANUVAS, Chennai-7.
  • M. Prabu Dept. of Livestock Business Management Madras Veterinary College, TANUVAS, Chennai-7.


Consumption pattern, Milk and livestock products, Rural and Urban areas, Income


A study was carried out to analyze the consumption pattern of milk and other livestock products in both rural and urban areas of Tamil Nadu. The monthly consumption of milk was 1.89 litres in low income group, followed by middle (3.48 litres) and high (3.79 litres) income groups. Among high income groups, the monthly average meat consumption was 1.17 kg in rural households, 1.75 kg in urban households and 1.45 kg in overall households. The results also showed that, monthly egg consumption per consumption unit was very low among the rural households (2.18 numbers), as compared to urban households (8.36 numbers). As a whole, chicken (49.59 per cent) enjoyed the first rank among different meat items and second rank was equally shared by mutton / chevon and fish (21.49 per cent). Similar to meat, egg consumption also increased with increase in level of income. 


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How to Cite

Swaminathan, A. ., & Prabu , M. . (2014). Consumption Pattern Of Milk And Other Livestock Products In Rural And Uraban Areas Of Tamil Nadu . Indian Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Biotechnology, 10(2), 30-32.