Heat Tolerance Of Crossbred Jersey Cows In Semi-Arid Tropical Climate


  • A. Clement Ebenezer Henry Department of Livestock Production and Management Madras Veterinary College, Chennai - 600 007
  • S. Arunachalam Department of Livestock Production and Management Madras Veterinary College, Chennai - 600 007
  • T. Sivakumar Department of Livestock Production and Management Madras Veterinary College, Chennai - 600 007
  • P.N. Richard Jagatheesan Department of Livestock Production and Management Madras Veterinary College, Chennai - 600 007


Jersey-Sindhi crossbred cattle, heat tolerance test, physiological status, rectal temperature


The study was conducted at Livestock Research Station, Kattupakkam, Tamilnadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University with 55 randomly selected Jersey-Sindhi crossbred cattle, subjected to heat tolerance test expressed as index of tolerance to heat (ITH). The ITH of Jersey-Sindhi crossbred cattle was 8.51± 0.03 for lactating cow, 8.71 ± 0.05 for heifer and 8.60 ± 0.04 for dry cow in the scale 0 to 10, with 10 being the most heat tolerant. The heat tolerance index was not significant between seasons and also between different physiological status. The heat tolerating capacity of Jersey-Sindhi cross bred cattle in the present study is well enhanced and may be a choice for developing heat tolerant animals. The average daily milk yield of Jersey-Sindhi cross bred cattle were positively correlated with index of heat tolerance for winter (0.2522) and summer (0.6267) seasons. Hence, the index of tolerance to heat can be used as a tool for comparing animals in different environmental condition for their productive and reproductive performance. 


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How to Cite

Henry, A. C. E. ., Arunachalam, . S. ., Sivakumar , T. ., & Jagatheesan, P. R. . (2014). Heat Tolerance Of Crossbred Jersey Cows In Semi-Arid Tropical Climate . Indian Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Biotechnology, 9(4), 29-31. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/ijvsbt/article/view/3035