Certain Qualitative Changes In Mastitic Cow Milk


  • P. Ramesh Department of Clinical Medicine, College of Veterinary Science, SVVU, Tirupati, 517 502 (Andhra Pradesh)
  • K.Nalini Kumari Department of Clinical Medicine, College of Veterinary Science, SVVU, Tirupati, 517 502 (Andhra Pradesh)
  • V.Vaikunta Rao Department of Clinical Medicine, College of Veterinary Science, SVVU, Tirupati, 517 502 (Andhra Pradesh)
  • V.Padmanabha Reddy Department of Clinical Medicine, College of Veterinary Science, SVVU, Tirupati, 517 502 (Andhra Pradesh)
  • K. Adilaxmamma Department of Clinical Medicine, College of Veterinary Science, SVVU, Tirupati, 517 502 (Andhra Pradesh)


Milk protein, Milk Fat, pH, clinical Mastitis


Mastitis affected milk had a significantly decreased protein, a non-significantly decreased fat and a significantly increased pH (6.7±0.05) and decreased significantly following therapy in both the treated groups. Mean milk protein and fat levels did not vary significantly before and after therapy. 


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How to Cite

Ramesh, P., Kumari, K. ., Rao, V. ., Reddy, . V. ., & Adilaxmamma , K. (2012). Certain Qualitative Changes In Mastitic Cow Milk . Indian Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Biotechnology, 8(1), 13-14. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/ijvsbt/article/view/3209