Pathogenicity And Antibiogram Of Escherichia Coli Isolated From Diarrhoeic Cow Calves


  • Niraj Gupta Department of Veterinary Microbiology College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbadry, M.P.P.C.V.V. Mhow - 453446(M.P.), India
  • Rakesh Sharda Department of Veterinary Microbiology College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbadry, M.P.P.C.V.V. Mhow - 453446(M.P.), India
  • Varsha Sharma Department of Veterinary Microbiology College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbadry, M.P.P.C.V.V. Mhow - 453446(M.P.), India
  • Ashish Deshpande Department of Veterinary Microbiology College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbadry, M.P.P.C.V.V. Mhow - 453446(M.P.), India
  • Aniruddh Udaykar Department of Veterinary Microbiology College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbadry, M.P.P.C.V.V. Mhow - 453446(M.P.), India


E.coli, cow calves, diarrhoea, antibiogram, enterotoxins, pathogenicity


Thirty two isolates of Escherichia coli recovered from diarrhoeic samples in cow calves were tested for virulence factors by a battery of in vivo (pathogenicity and enterotoxigenicity) and in vitro methods. Four isolates (12.50%) belonging to O88, O97, O98 and O159 serogroups proved fatal to Swiss albino mice on intraperitoneal inoculation of whole bacterial culture. Similarly the cell free filtrate of 4 (12.50%) isolates, belonging to O14, O88, O110 and O138 serogroups caused death of mice within 6 to 20 hours post intravenous inoculation (hpi) of intravenous inoculation. None of the isolates produced STa or LT enterotoxins in suckling mouse and mouse paw oedema test, respectively. Five (15.63%) isolates were found resistant towards the lytic action of cow calf serum, whereas 10 (31.25%) were sensitive and 17 (53.12%) intermediate sensitive to serum. The in vitro sensitivity of the isolates to antimicrobial drugs was found 100% to ciprofloxacin and sulphadiazine, followed by ceftriaxone and ceftriaxone/tazobactum (96.88%), cefotaxime (71.90%), amoxyclav (68.75%) and amikacin (46.9%). 


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How to Cite

Gupta, N. ., Sharda, . R. ., Sharma, V. ., Deshpande , A. ., & Udaykar, A. . (2011). Pathogenicity And Antibiogram Of Escherichia Coli Isolated From Diarrhoeic Cow Calves . Indian Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Biotechnology, 7(2), 1-4.