Effect Of Cellulase Enzyme Supplementation On The Intestinal Viscosity And Digestability Of Fibre Fractions In Layer Chicken Fed On High Fibre Diet


  • P. Ponnuvel Centre for Advanced Studies in Poultry Science College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Mannuthy- 680 651.
  • A. Jalaludeen Centre for Advanced Studies in Poultry Science College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Mannuthy- 680 651.


Enzyme, fibre, layer diet, intestinal viscosity


A study was conducted using Single Comb White Leghorn layers to evaluate the effect of cellulase supplementation at three different levels in high fibre diet on intestinal viscosity and digestability of fibre fractions in comparision with standard and high fibre control diets. The intestinal viscosity in cellulase supplemented groups was significantly (P<0.01) lower than that of standard layer ration and high fibre layer ration (HFLR) fed groups. The highest digestability co-efficient for acid detergent fibre (ADF) and neutral detergent fibre (NDF) were recorded in cellulase enzyme (0.18%) supplemented group while the lowest values were observed in standard and high fibre control diets. 


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How to Cite

Ponnuvel, P. ., & Jalaludeen , A. . (2011). Effect Of Cellulase Enzyme Supplementation On The Intestinal Viscosity And Digestability Of Fibre Fractions In Layer Chicken Fed On High Fibre Diet . Indian Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Biotechnology, 7(3), 8-10. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/ijvsbt/article/view/3263