Role of Ayurveda in Trichomonas Vaginitis- A Case Report.


  • Sneha Tiwari Assistant professor department of PTSR, G. J Patel Institute of Ayurvedic studies & Research Author
  • Jalpa D Patel Assistant professor department of PTSR, G. J Patel Institute of Ayurvedic studies & Research Author


Vaginal infection, Trichomonas vaginitis, Ayurveda


Health of a woman plays a very important role in family which reflects on  society too. Most women suffer with vaginal infection; among them  Trichomonas vaginitis is very common. Though it is projected to be 40 to  50% in the age group of childbearing women, the incidence of trichomonas  infection is about 10-15%. The inflammation and itching at the site of the  vulva and vagina indicate the sign of probably of trichomonas vaginitis.  Methodology: In this present case study, Patient age 47 year came to OPD  with complaint of pain lower abdomen off and on since 2 yrs , pt had no  other symptom . On basis of these complaints along with P/A examination,  P/V and P/S examination have been done, which reveals trichomonas  infection. She was supposed to be treated with traditional ayurvedic  formulations; the case was treated for 7 days with a combination of different  traditional Ayurvedic drugs, and sthanik chikitsa with the goal of relieving  symptoms and curing the disease. This patient was treated with traditional  Ayurvedic formulations like Triphala Guggulu, Chandraprabha Vati,  Gandhak Rasayana, Sthanik Chikitsa - Yoni Dhawana (Vaginal douche)  with Panchvalkala Kwatha followed by Yoni Pichu with Jatyadi Taila once  in a day for 7 days. Result: Only traditional Ayurvedic medicines were used during the course  of the treatment. Follow-up showed complete disappearance of strawberry  appearance of cervix and symptoms also subsided to a great extent. Discussion: The present study emphasizes the role of Ayurveda in bringing  a positive result in the management of Trichomonas vaginitis


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How to Cite

Tiwari, S., & Patel, J. D. (2023). Role of Ayurveda in Trichomonas Vaginitis- A Case Report . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 6(7), 32-35.