Clinical Evaluation of Medavriddhi in Hyperlipidemia and its Management with Lekhaniya Mahakashaya.


  • Sumana Ray Paul Lecturer, Dept. of Ayurved Samhita & Siddhanta, Institute of Post Graduate Ayurvedic Education and Research, Shyamadas Vaidya Sastra Pith Hospital, Govt. of West Bengal, 294/1 A.P.C. Road, Kolkata Author
  • Sukalyan Ray Associate Professor & H.O.D., Dept. of Roga Nidan Avum Vikriti Vigyan, Raghunath Ayurved Mahavidyalay & Hospital, Contai, West Bengal Author


Meda, Meda Vriddhi, Hyper lipidaemia, Dys lipidaemia


Introduction: Dhatus are the structural and functional units of human body. The  healthy state of body depends on their equilibrium state whereas disequilibrium in  Dhatus leads to pathological conditions and diseases. Meda is one of the seven  Dhatus of human body which is produced from its precursor Asthi Dhatu. Meda Dhatu can be correlated with lipids and lipoproteins. The state of hyperlipidaemia  can be correlated with the state of Meda Vriddhi.  Aims and Objectives: This study was carried out to clinically evaluate the features  of Meda Vriddhi in individuals having hyperlipidaemia as well as to evaluate the  efficacy of stipulated poly herbal formulation ‘Lekhaniya Kashayam’ to combat  the state of Meda Vriddhi and subsequently hyperlipidaemia.  Materials and Methods: 35 subjects having hyperlipidaemia have been selected  for the study based on inclusion and exclusion criteria and subsequently the  features of Meda Vriddhi has been clinically evaluated in those subjects. The  stipulated poly herbal preparation ‘Lekhaniya Kashaya’ was administered in a dose  of 50 ml as warm decoction, thrice daily for 60 consecutive days. The efficacy of  the drug was evaluated after 60 days based on subjective and objective parameters.  Result and Discussions: The subjective parameters of Meda Vriddhi are clinically  present in maximum number of individuals having hyperlipidaemia. The result also  reveals the significant efficacy of the ‘Lekhaniya Ksahaya’ on relevant subjective  and objective parameters with a ‘p’ value <0.001 in the majority of subjective and  objective parameters.  Conclusions: The state of hyper lipidaemia can be compared with the state of  Meda Vriddhi based on the presence of Meda Vriddhi Lakshana in subjects having  hyper lipidaemia. The therapeutic management with Lekhaniya Kashaya can be  equally effective to combat the state of Meda Vriddhi as well as hyper lipidaemia.  


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How to Cite

Paul, S. R., & Ray, S. (2023). Clinical Evaluation of Medavriddhi in Hyperlipidemia and its Management with Lekhaniya Mahakashaya. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 6(6), 38-46.