Holistic Approach of Eleocarpus Ganitrus (Rudraksha) in Hypertension and Neurological Disorders -A Review.


  • Manju Yadav Assistant professor, Department of Rog evam Vikriti Vigyan, State Government Ayurveda Yoga and Naturopathy College, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. Author


Eleocarpus ganitrus, Rudraksha, hypertension and neurological disorders


We are all aware of the medicinal properties of different plants  mentioned in ayurveda. But in science there is always the exception. One  such exception to the science of ayurveda is found in the seeds of  Eleocarpus ganitrus whose seeds are commonly known as Rudraksh in  India. The plant Eleocarpus ganitrus is known for its effectiveness in  the treatment of various neurological ailments like sleeplessness, stress,  anxiety, depression as well as for hypertension, rheumatism, asthma etc.  Most of these neurological problems is caused by vata dosha imbalance  which can be rectified by the Rudraksh seeds. Rudraksh seeds come in  multi faced beads. In this review we would not only explore the  medicinal properties of Eleocarpus ganirtus but would also explore the  exceptional qualities of different multi faced Rudraksh beads used for  treating specific diseases based on their number of faces. 


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How to Cite

Yadav, M. (2023). Holistic Approach of Eleocarpus Ganitrus (Rudraksha) in Hypertension and Neurological Disorders -A Review. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 6(6), 182-187. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/irjay/article/view/12942