Consequence of Use of Alcoholic Beverages in Modern Life-Style and Remedy with Yoga and Ayurveda


  • Surendra Kumar Biswal Professor. Department of Agada tantra and Vidhivaidyak. Shri Babu Singh Jay Singh Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital. Bhaupur. Fatehgarh. Farrukhabad. U.P. Author
  • Supriti Patnaik Associate Professor. Department of Swasthavritta and Yoga. Shri Babu Singh Jay Singh Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital. Bhaupur. Fatehgarh. Farrukhabad. U.P. Author


Alcoholism, Consequences, Yoga, Ayurveda, Consumer


Whenever we discuss regarding the alcoholism, which may be chronic  or acute, it seems that the people who consumes alcohol may be due to  any causes, it leads to an Alcoholic addiction. In the primary stage of  alcoholic consumption, it may not harm to body but some socio economic problem may occur. Sometimes the family members as well  as friends also ignore to such activities of user knowingly or  unknowingly. Users often take beetle with tobacco products in order to  conceal the fact, which may also harm to their body. As the time passes  and if it is not controlled by him-self or family, then such person falls  down to another world, from where he does not want to come back and  he makes distances from family as well as good friends. At last a stage  comes where he becomes ruined socially, economically, physically and  mentally. Some users even try to commit suicide due to frustration.  Homicidal activities and sexual violence may also be noticed. Now-a days alcoholism is a commonest cause for incidents of murder and rape  as well as traffic accidents. Hence if the consumer adopt the lifestyle  described in Ayurveda and Yoga, then one can give up the addiction of  alcohol and able to lead a happy and healthy life.  


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How to Cite

Biswal, S. K., & Patnaik, S. (2023). Consequence of Use of Alcoholic Beverages in Modern Life-Style and Remedy with Yoga and Ayurveda . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 6(4), 72-77.