Clinical indications of Patoladi kwatha an experiential and scientific view


  • Shripathi Acharya G Director Academic and WHO Collaborator Muniyal institute of Ayurveda Medical Sciences Manipal India Author
  • Rajeshwari S Acharya SDM College of Ayurveda Udupi India Author


Patoladi kashaya, Ayurveda, pittahara, amlapitta


Kashaya formulations are commonly used in the management of both acute and chronic debilitating  disorders by Ayurvedic physicians in indian subcontinent. Kashayas like Amritottara Kashaya,  Maharasnadi Kashaya , Mahamanjishthadi Kashaya , Maha Sudarshana Kashaya , Triphala Kashaya  , Yavadi Kwatha , Panchatikta Kashaya , Paripathadi Kashaya , Guduchi Kashaya , are few  formulations which are frequently used by Ayurveda physicians . Patoladi kashaya is one such  preparation which is commonly used in the management of pittaja disorders. Diseases like Amlapitt ,  Parinama Shoola , Annadrava Shoola , non-ulcer dyspepsia , hyperacidity syndrome , peptic ulcer ,  duodenal ulcer , gastric ulcer and chronic gastritis are few indications of Patoladi Kashaya . The  ingredients of Patoladi Kashaya are having the actions like Pittahara, Antacid , Shoolahara,  Amapachaka, Tiktarasa Yukta, anti-inflammatory , ulcer protective , soothing action on the mucous  membrane and Vatahara actions. The present paper highlights about the clinical indications of  Patoladi Kashaya in an experiential and scientific view. 


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How to Cite

Acharya G , S., & Acharya, R. S. (2021). Clinical indications of Patoladi kwatha an experiential and scientific view . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 4(8), 131-133.