A Comparative Clinical Study Of Tail Dhara And Takra Dhara In The Management of Anidra w.s.r To Insomnia


  • Jagdish Radder PG Scholar Dept. Of Panchkarma, Shree Shivayogeeshwara Rural Ayurvedic Medical college & hospital Inchal Author
  • G S Hadimani H.O.D, Dept. Of Panchkarma, Shree Shivayogeeshwara Rural Ayurvedic Medical college & hospital Inchal. Author
  • G Vinay Mohan Si Principal, Shree Shivayogeeshwara Rural Ayurvedic Medical college & hospital Inchal. Author


Nidra, Shirodhara, Insomnia, Tail Dhara, Takra Dhara


Background:-The impact of insomnia is far reaching and may affect both physical and emotional  health as well as intellectual capacity. Understanding the potential causes of sleep disruption and the  range of possible solutions will allow many to overcome the difficulty of disrupted sleep. The present  study was undertaken to evaluate the efficacy of Tail Dhara with Karpasasthyadi Tail and Takra  Dhara with medicated Takra (Butter milk) in Anidra (Insomnia) before and after treatment in Group  A and Group B. Material and Methods:A sample size of 20, diagnosed cases of Anidra (Insomnia) were selected from  the O.P.D &I.P.D of Shree Shivayogeeshwara Rural Ayurvedic Medical college & hospital Inchal,  camps and other referrals. Results: Results obtained after the clinical trial was analyzed statistically and all the observations were  subjected to creative discussions. Groups B showed significant result when statistically compared  before and after the treatment with Group A, and when comparison between the two groups were done  to know which, one is better compared to the other, it was shown statistically and clinically significant.  Conclusion: Both the procedures were studied statistically, the results obtained by statistically both  the groups have equal effect on Insomnia but clinically Taila Dhara is having slightly better result  than Takra dhara. 


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How to Cite

Radder, J., Hadimani, G. S., & Mohan Si, G. V. (2021). A Comparative Clinical Study Of Tail Dhara And Takra Dhara In The Management of Anidra w.s.r To Insomnia . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 4(4), 44-57. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/irjay/article/view/16750