Semblance Of Ayurveda In Cerebral Palsy


  • Megha Dixit Assistant Professor,Kaychikitsa Departement, Dhanwantari Ayurved College,Mathura,UP Author
  • Sushil Kumar Jangid Assistant Professor, Agadtantra Department, Shekhawati Ayurved College ,Pilani,Rajasthan Author


Cerebral palsy, vasti, medhya drugs


Cerebral palsy is one among the most common childhood  disabilities, which cripple and hamper the development of a child. It  is ubiquitous and it occurs all around the world, causing  considerable hardship to affected individuals and their families. It is  not a single disease but a name given to wide variety of static  neuromotor impairments syndrome occurring secondary to a lesion  in the developing brain. Cerebral Palsy is not curable. Several  advances in its management and research are going in various parts  of world with goal to improve the physical and functional status of  the CP child.Cerebral palsy cannot be co-related with any single  disease or condition in Ayurveda as it is a multifactorial condition.  All most all major neurological disorders are identified with  Vatadosha. So, considering the classification and their respective  features, Cerebral Palsy can be compared to Vatavyadhi or Vikara, which may manifest itself in any form  like Pakshaghata, Ekangavata, Pangu, Sarvangavata, Kampavata etc., and diagnosis is based on the  lakshanas. Cerebral palsy may also be considered as Shiromarmabhighatajavatavyadhi as caraka while  describing Shiromarmabhighataja has mentioned vatavikaras like Chestanasa (loss of motor activities),  


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Agnivesha, Charak, CharakSamhita, Sutrasthan 25/40 Hindi Commentary by Pandit KashinathShastri, Dr. GorakhnathChaturvedi, ChaukhambhaOrientalia Publication Varanashi, 14th edition.

Agnivesha, Charak, CharakSamhita, Sutrasthan 25/41 Hindi Commentary by Pandit KashinathShastri, Dr. GorakhnathChaturvedi, ChaukhambhaOrientalia Publication Varanashi, 14th edition.

Ashtanga Hridaya Samhita Vagbhatacharya,Sutrasthana 15/2,ChoukhambhaOrientalia 2002, Varanasi .

Sushruta Samhita AacharyaJadavji Trikamji,Sutrasthana 21/5, Choukhambha publication 2005 Varanasi

Ashtanga Hridaya Samhita Vagbhatacharya,Sutrasthana 12/1-2,ChoukhambhaOrientalia 2002, Varanasi .

Sushruta Samhita AacharyaJadavji Trikamji,Nidasthana 1/11-12, Choukhambha publication 2005 Varanasi




How to Cite

Dixit, M., & Jangid , S. K. (2019). Semblance Of Ayurveda In Cerebral Palsy. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 2(5), 44-51.