Collective framework in saffron marketing and improvement of channels


  • Binish Qadri Research Scholar, Department of Economics, Central University of Kashmir, Jammu and Kashmir, India.
  • Mudaser Ahad Bhat Research Scholar, Department of Economics, Central University of Kashmir, Jammu and Kashmir, India.


Saffron, marketing, organizations, cooperative marketing, intermediaries


The present study is a review based paper. It was undertaken to examine the role of organizations and committee in marketing in general and saffron in particular. Furthermore, it highlights the pros and cons of intermediaries in marketing. The study identifies less role of organizations and committee in saffron marketing. Almost all studies confirm the gain of intermediaries at the cost of growers. By eliminating the role of these middlemen, growers can manage to get a good price for their produce. But in a real sense these intermediaries actually indirectly gain at the cost of environment because high gains of intermediaries forced the saffron growers to substitute extensive cultivation for intensive cultivation in an ill-conceived manner and within a decade or so, this golden land lost its fertility. The outcome is that the notion of environmental sustainability has vanished from the minds of saffron growers because unhindered intensive cultivation failed to identify and then create a simulation of the real objects of the problem (either of saffron or of environment-related problems). By minimizing the role of these middlemen, growers can manage to get a good price for their produce and the notion of environmental sustainability can get its lost place back in the eyes of the growers. Review of literature shows that for preventing real problems of saffron market inside out and increasing the share of saffron growers in consumer’s rupee there is a need of in-depth review of the production and marketing of saffron. In order to improve the over-all role of organizations and committee in saffron marketing and reduce the number of intermediaries who dominate saffron marketing thereby taking away major part of consumer’s rupee, the present paper advances recommendations. 


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How to Cite

Qadri, B., & Ahad Bhat, M. (2020). Collective framework in saffron marketing and improvement of channels . Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, 15(1), 18-25.