Population dynamics of fruit fly, Bactrocera spp. (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Lucknow region of Uttar Pradesh, India


  • Rajesh Kumar Former Research Associate, Department of Crop Protection, CISH, Lucknow. Former Head Department of Crop Protection, CISH, Lucknow.
  • R P Shukla Former Research Associate, Department of Crop Protection, CISH, Lucknow. Former Head Department of Crop Protection, CISH, Lucknow.


Bactrocera spp, Population dynamics, Lucknow district of UP


Annual monitoring of the population dynamics of the oriental fruit fly Bactrocera spp Hendle (Diptera: Tephritedae) in Lucknow region of Uttar Pradesh, India was conducted by bottle trap and wooden block trap in 2004 and 2005 and factors including temperature, rainfall and host species with respect to the population fluctuation were analyzed systematically. The results showed that the fruit fly was present all the year round in Lucknow region of Uttar Pradesh. In Lucknow destrict, the first catch in bottle trap was in the 7th standard week in both year 2004 and 2005 at an average of 10.53 and 9.67 flies/trap/week, respectively. However, trap catch were observed in the wooden block traps in the 3rd standard week in 2004 and 2005 (14.50 and 3.67 flies/trap/week, respectively). The peak average population of Bactrocera spp. was 420 and 1499 flies/trap/week in 25th standard week in bottle and wooden block traps, respectively in the year 2004. The weathe parameters during 25th standard week showed the average maximum and minimum temperatures of 37.7°C and 25°C respectively, maximum and minimum relative humidity was 89°C and 73 per cent respectively and the total rainfall was 19.4 cm during the first year of experiment. The peak average population (399 and 1398 flies/trap/week) during the year 2005 was attained in the 26th standard week in bottle trap and wooden block trap, respectively. In the corresponding 26th standard week of the second year, the maximum and minimum temperature relative humidity and the total rain fall was 42 and 25.7°C, 61 and 41 percent and 51 mm., respectively. 


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Rajesh Kumar and RP Shukla

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How to Cite

Kumar, R., & Shukla , R. P. (2020). Population dynamics of fruit fly, Bactrocera spp. (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Lucknow region of Uttar Pradesh, India . Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, 15(1), 48-53. https://journals.acspublisher.com/index.php/jefa/article/view/8062