Biology and management of mealy bug, Phenococcus solenopses Tinsley in FCV Tobacco


  • K China Chenchaiah ICAR-CTRI Regional Station, Kandukur - 523 101, Andhra Pradesh, India


Mealy bug, FCV tobacco, biology, control


Mealy bug, Phenococcus solenopses Tinsley, a serious pest of many agricultureal crops and weeds, espceially cotton, was found infesting FCV tobacco, as a minor pest, in some tobacco growing areas of Andhra Pradesh in recent years. Its biology studied on FCV tobacco indicated that on an average 133.8 crawlers emerged from each egg sack. Eggs hatched in 4.6 days. The nymphal life passed through three instars of 5.8, 6.6 and 7.4 days duration, respectively. It took 24.4 days from egg to adult. Adult male survived for 2.0 days while female lived for 54.2 days. Total life span of a female is of 78.60 days. Clothianidin, imidacloprid and thiamethoxam at higher dose gave 100 per cent control of mealy bugs. However, they were at par with acephate in controlling the insect. At normal dose, clothianidin and acephate were at par (97.5%) followed by thiamethoxam. At lower dose, clothianidin managed 87.5 per cent mealy bugs followed by acephate, thiamethoxam and imidacloprid. The study concluded that clothianidin and acephate at normal dose, controlled mealy bugs in FCV tobacco. The pesticides tested are in the order of Clothianidin ≥ Acephate ≥ Thiamethoxam ≥ Imidacloprid ≥ Chlorpyriphos ≥ Acetamiprid in controlling the mealy bug. 


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How to Cite

China Chenchaiah , K. (2019). Biology and management of mealy bug, Phenococcus solenopses Tinsley in FCV Tobacco . Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, 14(1), 65-67.