The concept of change and the young: A psycho-social reading of Sembene Ousmane’s Les Bouts De Bois De Dieu and Xala.


  • Olowolagba Comfort Chioma Department of French, Adeyemi College of Education, Ondo, Ondo State - Nigeria
  • Otegbale Edirin Sylvester Department of European Studies, University of Ibadan, Ibadan Oyo State - Nigeria


Change, Generation, Politics, Polygamy, Sembène Ousmane, Classical conditioning


Change is the only constant experience in all walks of life, literature inclusive. In the past  decades, various critics have examined the selected novels of Sembène Ousmane from feminist  and Marxist perspectives. However, this paper examines the selected texts from sociological  perspective, with the aim of underlining some silent oversight of critics with respect to change.  Pavlov’s classical conditioning serves as a tool in the analyses of the selected texts. Change for  positive socio-cultural, economic and political development is underlined as a quality more  pronounced in the young and lacking in the older generation of characters. The attitude of the  older generation in aiding obsolete traditions in opposition to the beliefs and reality facing the  younger generation precisely in political representation and marital unions are examined through  a close reading. The study concludes with a clarion call to African elites on the need to introduce  the younger, smarter generation of youths in the helms of affairs to ensure sustainable  development through the application of their technical know-how, modern ideologies and  expertise if tangible socio-cultural, economic development must be realised where phallocentric  ideas have failed since independence as well as foster general entente in the society.  


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How to Cite

Chioma, O. C., & Sylvester, O. E. . (2020). The concept of change and the young: A psycho-social reading of Sembene Ousmane’s Les Bouts De Bois De Dieu and Xala. South Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1(1), 82-96.