Ensuring Teacher’s Job Satisfaction Through Distributed and  Instructional Leadership of Chinese School Principals: Mediating  Role of Reward, Motivation and Effectiveness


  • Zhao Xin Faculty of Education & Liberal Sciences, City University Malaysia, Malaysia.
  • Suhaidah Binti Tahir Faculty of Education & Liberal Sciences, City University Malaysia, Malaysia.




Instructional leadership, Distributed leadership, Job Satisfaction, Reward, Motivation, Teachers


Teacher performance and satisfaction is influenced through the organizational environment. Thus,  this study explores the effectiveness of leadership styles in promoting teacher satisfaction, namely  instructional leadership, and distributed leadership. The direct effects of instructional and  distributed leadership on teacher’s job satisfaction along with the indirect effects through the  mediation of reward, motivation and effectiveness were studied. The data was collected from 342 teachers employed in secondary schools of China, and the overall association among the factors  was studied through the application of PLS-SEM. The findings of the study have indicated that  instructional and distributed leadership styles are effective for curating the job satisfaction of  teachers. Moreover, rewards, motivation, and job effectiveness were found to significantly mediate  the association between leadership styles and job satisfaction. The results of the research study  offer crucial implications for educational policies by demonstrating how job satisfaction among  teachers can be enhanced through the implementation of appropriate leadership styles,  emphasizing on reward, motivation, and effectiveness. The study suggests that development of  teacher-focused policies and effective remuneration plans will lead towards satisfaction and  therefore effective performance in the future.  


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How to Cite

Xin, Z. ., & Tahir, . S. B. . (2024). Ensuring Teacher’s Job Satisfaction Through Distributed and  Instructional Leadership of Chinese School Principals: Mediating  Role of Reward, Motivation and Effectiveness. South Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 5(1), 238-264. https://doi.org/10.48165/sajssh.2024.5114