Green Design Strategy for Lushan Yunwu Tea Packaging Design


  • Lu Wang City University Malaysia, Malaysia.
  • Fauzi Naeim Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.



green design, Tea packaging, Lushan Yunwu tea, Applied research


Amidst the swift march of modern industry, the escalating environmental devastation has imperiled human existence, spurring the emergence of green design as a pervasive and powerful global design philosophy. Within this context, Lushan Yunwu Tea, the sole tea hailing from China's Lushan region, stands as a prime example necessitating thoughtful packaging. Sadly, the packaging design of Lushan Yunwu Tea has languished, failing to reflect its essence. Characterized by excess, insubstantiality, and superficiality, the packaging inadequacies echo the struggle against counterfeit teas due to Lushan Yunwu Tea's fragmented production landscape. Dominated by small-scale vendors, scattered farmers, and modest workshops, cost constraints perpetuate lackluster packaging. To invigorate Lushan Yunwu Tea's branding, a strategic shift towards moderation, eco-friendly materials, and innovative design techniques is imperative. Aiming for recyclable, reusable, high-quality packaging while infusing cultural and historical narratives into the design would not only elevate its image but also amplify its role as a carrier of Chinese, revolutionary, and Jiangxi cultures. Holistically, the pursuit of green packaging aligns with sustainable values, harmonizing nature and heritage in a symbiotic design embodiment.




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How to Cite

Wang, L., & Naeim, F. (2023). Green Design Strategy for Lushan Yunwu Tea Packaging Design. South Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 4(5), 32-50.