Bio-gas production potential of ruminant and non-ruminant animal excreta


  • S B JYOTHI MVSC, Scholar, Dept. of LPM, College of Vetrinary Sciences, KVASU, Kerala.
  • JOHN ABRAHAM Assistant Professor, Dept. of LPM, College of Vetrinary Sciences, KVASU, Kerala.
  • DEEPAK BIRADAR MVSC, Scholar, Dept. of LPM, College of Vetrinary Sciences, KVASU, Kerala.
  • S P SACHIN MVSC, Scholar, Dept. of LPM, College of Vetrinary Sciences, KVASU, Kerala.


Animal excreta, Bio-gas production potential, Non-ruminants, Ruminants


This research work was carried out to evaluate the bio-gas production potential of four different substrates  viz. ruminant dung (cattle and goat) and non-ruminant excreta (pig and poultry). The bio-gas production  potential of non-ruminants excreta was found to be significantly higher than ruminant excreta due to less  fibre content, presence of undigested fermentable carbohydrates (volatile solids) and reduced nitrogen  content. The bio-gas production potential of pig excreta was found to be significantly (P<0.01) higher than  goat followed by poultry and cattle. 



How to Cite

Bio-gas production potential of ruminant and non-ruminant animal excreta . (2018). Indian Journal of Animal Production and Management, 33(3-4), 82-85.