Non-genetic Factors affecting Body Weight and Scrotal Circumference at First Semen Collection and Semen Production Traits of Kankrej Bulls


  • Nikhil S. `Dangar Livestock Farm Complex, College of Veterinary Science and A.H., Kamdhenu University, Navsari-396450, Gujarat, India
  • Balkrishna P. Brahmkshtri Livestock Farm Complex, College of Veterinary Science and A.H., Kamdhenu University, Navsari-396450, Gujarat, India
  • Gaurav M. Pandya 2 Livestock Research Station, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari-396450, Gujarat, India
  • Niteen Deshmukh Dama Semen Production Unit, Dama, Managed by Banaskantha District Cooperative Milk Producer’s Union Limited, Banas Dairy, Palanpur-385 001, Gujarat, India


Age, Body weight, , First semen collection, Kankrej bulls, Scrotal circumference


This study was conducted on 13 bulls of Kankrej cattle breed maintained at Dama semen station of Banas dairy (Gujarat) to study
the effects of non-genetic factors, viz., season of birth and year of birth on body weight at first semen collection (BWFSC) and scrotal
circumference at first semen collection (SCFSC) as well as the effect of BWFSC and SCFSC on future semen production traits like semen
production period, age of bull at disposal and lifetime production of frozen semen doses per bull. The overall least squares means for
body weight of bulls and scrotal circumference of bulls at first semen collection, semen production period, age of bull at disposal and
lifetime production of frozen semen doses per bull were 578.68 ± 25.18 kg, 30.86 ± 1.60 cm, 704.3 ± 151.22 days, 1875.73 ± 135.95
days and 55243.83 ± 21307.60 doses, respectively. Results of the present study revealed that body weight and scrotal circumference of
bulls at first semen collection were not significantly affected by season of birth and year of birth. Similarly, BWFSC and SCFSC had no
significant effect on semen production traits


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How to Cite

`Dangar, N. S. ., Brahmkshtri, . B. P. ., Pandya, G. M. ., & Deshmukh, N. . (2022). Non-genetic Factors affecting Body Weight and Scrotal Circumference at First Semen Collection and Semen Production Traits of Kankrej Bulls. Indian Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Biotechnology, 18(3), 63-66.